Chapter 1: The Beginning

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I crash the landing pod hard on the ground, not knowing what I was doing. V, in the Connor giving me a death stare.


E: V, if you don't calm down, I'm gonna whoop your ass soo hard that you don't even know what's happening.

V: Ya, uh sorry boss.

N: Look, I'm sorry ok. Plz don't be mad!

E: Mad, why would I be mad?

N: Wait, your not mad.

E: Of course not, well the door may be stuck and our pod is destroyed, but it was an accident.

N: E, your the best.

E: I know.

V:Pfft, whatever.

E: You can't be saying anything, your the one who got humiliated by everyone when I rejected you.

V: Shut up.


I just don't understand why he so nice to N and doesn't punish him, even if he deserves it.

E's just so weird but anyways we go out for our first hunt and it goes very well.

Time skip, because I'm too lazy to and I'm writing this at 4am.

16 years later

E's POV 

I swear, I'm just so stressed lately. In my lab, I been working on this mechanical sword for myself for weeks and still can't figure out how that sick movement I want and I have to deal with the fact that V keeps making N sad and it just pisses me off. Then, I got an idea on how V and N can get along. I get out of my lab and and go to the main area of the pod, that got renovated by me 10 years ago. I see V making fun of N again.

N: Look just leave me alone.

V: Nah, I like calling you useless.

N: I'm not

V: You are.

E: V, one more word or I'll blast you into oblivion.

V: Yes E, sorry E.

E: So, since you guys have not been getting along. I thought that maybe I should kick you guys out of the pod for a night.

V:Ok... Wait WHAT.

N: You can't just kick us out E.

V: Yeah, you can't kick us out, this is our home.

E: First of all I can, second of all, It's only for one night.

V: Oh, well I'm stupid.

E: You are.

V: Whatever.

The next night, 9pm


E just straight chucked me and N out of the pod and the spiral of corpses'.

V: What the hell was that for. 

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