final end.

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Hello Guys. I'm very glad y'all had time to read this, on this always more dying app. I decided that it shouldve been the end a long time ago, and now it is. I can't explain how much I loved every single second on this app, but the longer time I've spent here, the more it's dying. I am really glad for the friends and followers I've made on this app and now it's time to speak about it all for one last fucking time.

I've started on this app as a pre-teen , about 11 years old. I've read warrior cats at that time, so I wanted to do an warrior cats RPG.
I've met a wonderful friend of mine called warriorcatsly there who I still have contact with to this day. I wasn't a very good rpger so I took some things that happened to my characters very personally and made beef with some people who are very talented, and I do not blame at all. I thank them for showing me how stupid and pick me I was all that time and they've made me become a better person, I would say.

After I left the rpg very quickly I again joined some and had beef again ( I was a very annoying and easily provocated asshole.) so I left those ones too.

During all that time Cat has never left me, and somehow still sticks around with me to this day, which I can't understand because I arguably still am kind of a jerk.

During the starting year I've met some other special people, called sonderzeichenfreak , Fabi and Dobby. We met on some Harry Potter Forum and called ourself the Golden Quartet after some time. We did kind of text some time but why that shit broke off I'll get to it right now.

I wanted very much attention during that time and made myself an own hater account. Started only hating about myself and getting the other people who followed me to help "defend" me against the other self. That stuff was quite some time but the worst part was that on the other account after some time I started hating on the other people too. It started with basic stuff and got more and more personal. That was in 2020, but I still regret it to this day.

It came out that it was me because someone , (who I don't remember the name of) told the people it was me. I ofcourse tried to deny it , but they were smart enough to uncover my evil lies. I'm still thankful about them doing that to this day, cause I think if noone said a thing and wouldve just tried to defend me I would've got worse and worse and worse, so I'm really thankful they stopped me.

After that ofcourse, noone wanted to be my friend anymore (except for Cat, again.). So I tried joining the Freedom Squad Fandom. One of the worst ideas of my life. But I'll get to that later.

I joined the WhatsApp group "Die Kuchensekte" and was actually one of the first 10 people to be in there (and to leave the group like once a month at least xD) we did have some drama there but in that group I met another great friend and my first girlfriend. My friend I met there is called Kitcateinundelfzig (I think?? xD) and is actually again one of the people who are still by my side.

So my first ever partner was called Manu , she was like a year older than me, and one day she texted me she had a crush on me, so I just agreed to get to be her boyfriend, if I am allowed to say it like that now. It was toxic as fuck from both sides, jealousy ,  hate and depression everywhere. I was jealous of everyone she talked to and she hated everyone I talked to. We dated on and off again all the time, stopping in may 202(1?).

So in February 2021 I joined another group called the Kottkinder, which was like I said the worst group I was ever in in all my life, and I still regret ive ever been there to this day. The people there were not really that friendly, the most just pretended to be. So it was Shady,Dado,(I'll get to her later too), Palle,Mexi,Odin, Bergi and me in the beginning.

From the beginning on I tried to be everyone's best friend , therapist and boyfriend at the same time. Nothing ever worked out I faked killing myself there all the time for attention too which I regret deeply.

So Dado and Palle where a couple,
Odin and Mexi where and that's it.

My Girlfriend Manu joined the group too, and another friend I still have called Mia.
So the one problem is I fell in love with Mia at some time in the group, and she fell for me too back then. We dated for a day or two that year because I ofcourse didn't want to hurt Manu in any way, who then again made me feel bad for having friends ,because she said stuff like "you love cat not me" or "you like Mia dont you" which all kind of hurted me.

We in the group fought and loved each other all the time. In the start it all was like a big happy family, but every fucking week it got worse. The person I considered my best friend there was Palle, the girlfriend of Dado. Palle always told she she'd send me letters, but she never did. She also talked shit about me behind my back , which is sorta an Bitch thing to do. So I always fought with Palle and everyone was fucked up by it. I got kicked out, went back in, kicked out, and back again.

Another thing that probably made Palle hate me was that I actually loved Dado.
We had a little romance thing going on, even though shes a few years older than me and would never admit it one of these days. It was a very good time.

So after a while me and Dado Pretended to be Schizophrenic or some shit and we made up Fake Identitys. I had "Abraxas" and she had "Luna". Both of them just gave the group the final kick of the edge. They fought each other and the group all the time, but then again we both sorta knew the other was faking.

I tried to get her to be together with me, but it didn't work. At the end we both just were fucked up, she went back to Palle the fucking bastard and I went back to Manu.

Manu and me were like addictive Poison for the other. We hurted each other but then again we needed us. Even though I admit I was the worse person in the relationship.

So after the Kuchensekte died and the Kottkinder kicked me out for the last time, I decided maybe smaller groups would be better. I went in a group with Manu and another person called Hannah. They dated for some time, then Manu broke them off again, and went back to me and stuff like that. It was some crazy shit.

Somehow they destroyed me too, and the group died also. So I decided to block all my online contacts except Cat , Mirja and like two other people.

Me and Cat called almost every other night until 3 or 4. I loved her . And now I love her as a family member, like an older sister. The same goes for Mirja, and Mia is sorta like my twin.

The next really important thing was that I went to the DSMP fandom, a group called KSMP. Those people just ignored me , except Alex and Drey. Me and Drey had a little Thing going on there but I was a piece of shit and broke it off.

Now I am somehow In a thing with Luca , and she makes me very happy.

That's kind of my story.

These are the people I wanna thank:

Cat, Mirja, Mia, Akira Sturm, Luca, Dado, Salbei,Goatdevil,you all.

Thank you all for everything.

I love you guys, but now it's time to go.
I know I said that many times but this is finally it.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 02 ⏰

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