Chapter 3

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You indulged in Velvette's coffee spending habits as she ordered you a drink of pure diabetes. You sipped on it absentmindedly, looking out the window of the car as it drove to a large flat building. "Where did you say we were going?" You asked the dollette woman whom was buried deep into her phone. "We're getting your nails done. I've been kicking myself since yesterday at photo shoot because I didn't get you a pedicure first. It's been bugging me to death so we're getting it done now." She took a selfie before going back to her phone. You missed being in your new home already.

You were sat down in a plushy pink chair and a pair of pink horned demons began working on your nails. More pink demons tended to you and Velvette and you wondered why they all looked so similar. Tender pink fingers took your hand into their care and a bowl of hot bubbling water was rested near your feet. Despite being sensitive, you aloud the pink horned demon with white hair work on your feet in the hot water. You fliched and squirmed but tried your best to stay still as Velvette watched from next to you. The pink ladies working on her feet were rough, working hard on the soles of Velvette's cedar brown feet. Massaging knots and pains, Velvette must've been tougher than you. Each squeeze from the pink lady under you caused you to whimper and turn in your seat. Eventually, the demon giggled and you got a view of her name tag. Maddy. Her long lashes flutter up at you, her fingers moved slower to accommodate for your sensitivity.

You did everything in your power to avoid looking into her heart shaped irises. You noticed each time your body tingled her eyes pulsed with pink light. You weren't sure what the reasoning was for that but all of a sudden you felt extremely relaxed. As if you'd taken a downer drug, your body went fuzzy and heavy. Your brain felt slow and open to whatever the perpetrator was wanting. "Please keep your hands still Miss Y/n." Maddy caught your eyes and locked you in. You did as you were told; wanting to please her. You felt so good, you didn't want Maddy to stop. The pink demon, whose name tag read Lily, began buffing and cleaning your nails. "Why do I feel so good." You said breathlessly as the sparks of pleasure stirred in your core. "Because I'm a succubus." She giggled at your silliness. "Oh." Your voice quivered and your head felt ten times heavier. "Just relax." She commanded and you gladly fell into her request.

You'd awoken with a soft shake to your shoulder. You saw Maddy smiling as she brushed hair from out of your sleepy face. She moved away from you, going off into the employee's only room before you had a chance to talk to her anymore. You felt the effects of the succubus wear off, but you still felt a mildly warm. Looking down at your nails you saw how extravagant they'd done them. Gems and intricate designs decorated your long finger nails. They were a little too long, you really weren't sure how you could play guitar.

Standing up now with shoes on you walked with Velvette to the front desk of the salon where she paid for the treatment. "Come back again soon!" Maddy smiled and waved goodbye and despite Velvette's glare, you waved goodbye back. As you got into the car Velvette started complaining. "She was trying to fuck you." You hadn't been that oblivious had you? You hadn't been, just too busy with her touching you to really care. "I don't care." You said absentmindedly, looking to her to see her slight change in expression. "You a whore?" She laughed like it was the funniest concept while poking at you. You were too busy examining your nails to bother with Velvette's teasing. You grimaced seeing how hard it was to type in your phone.

"No, sometimes I like to indulge in my desires. I had a hedonistic lifestyle before this, I don't really plan on changing it." You admit; looking up to see Velvette not even listening to you, but on her phone.

"Just don't go into porn with Valentino." She sighed looking at you for a moment to make sure you were listening, which you were. "Didn't plan on it." You weren't interested in the porn industry at all. You didn't want to be exploited like that nor be involved with random people using you. It's not the life you sought out for.

After stopping at a few more salons and boutiques, you were hauled down with everything Velvette thought you needed. You aloud her to drag you around with the other body guards (that carried your purchases) that followed you and her around. They stood tall with puffed chests, very intimidating if you said so yourself. Vox knew what he was doing.

While eating lunch you watched haphazardly as the HMZ reporters and paparazzi tried to enter the cafe you and Velvette ate at. You bit into your sandwich and ignored the commotion; the body guards kept them out and away from you so there was no reason why you couldn't eat in peace. The sandwich was so fucking good too. "God damn." You mumble as you chew on a pickle. "Pretty good right?" Velvette smiles, baring a fang. "Yeah." You nod, taking another bite. "Do you like going out with me?" You choke on your food.

"W-well yes! You're doing all these nice things for me, how could I not. And I don't know how to thank you other than making music, but I appreciate it so much-" Velvette rose a hand and your rambling was hushed instantly. "I enjoy doing nice things for you. I'm doing this today because of those songs you wrote for me and Vox. When you do things for me, I do things for you." Her eyes met yours and your mouth felt dry. You took a sip of your water before nodding.

"Well, I'm also getting you pampered because you are going to preform in Vox's Tv performance tomorrow." You choked again. "I'm what?!" You gasped, looking at her like she'd lost her marbles. "Relax and finish eating." She growled and you were quick to shove your sandwich in your mouth as she continued to explain. "Vox will broadcast you and depending on the ratings your next show will be on a public stage. You'll do one brand new song so nothing too big for your second time performing." Velvette did her best to reassure you. You swallowed your food nervously and looked down at the fruit on your plate. "Okay."

Saint Y/n seen in salon with Overlord, Velvette.

user4479- does she work for Valentino? When's the next video?

user5839- she's a religious figure you shouldn't be exploiting her!

user6519- Y/n is the most beautiful thing Hell has seen.


user2946- are we getting music soon?

user4828- please play your guitar again!

user1948- Pray

user8933- Pray

user7591- Pray

Pray Pray Pray Pray Pray Pray Pray Pray

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