9. The main event

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It was the next day, yesterday you fell asleep on the couch but was awaken when your parents got back home,

You were on your way to your school, but today without nagi and reo as both of them had some important matters to attend to it seems,

'The upcoming sports day is right around the corner, huh' it is also were you'll be having volleyball match against some other powerhouse schools

You planned to have some practice after school for this, while planning so, you had already reach the campus,

"Y/n good morning!" Yuki ran upto as she did a peace sign with her hand,

"Ah, morning" You greeted coming back to your senses

"Yo, what's up with your face, why you look so lost in thought there?" Yuki folded her arms as she leaned to her side and stared at you confusedly.

"Just thinking about the sport day"

"Same girl, l'm so exited!" Yuki excitedly walked alongside you, talking about how she would be cheering the loudest at your volleyball match

The classes was like usual and there was an announcement that the sports day was after three days,

The announcement shocked you, cause you thought you would have 1 week prior to practice , but three days!?

'Shit, I need to start grinding asap' you thought to yourself nervously

Today for some reason was quite peaceful maybe because nagi and reo were not hogging you, they must be preparing for the sports day or for project blue lock, you guessed

After the school ended you headed to the gym to get some practice done for the upcoming match with your team,

"Hey guys, sorry I'm a bit late, I had some extra classes today" You ran up to your teammates, apologizing for being late,

"No need to apologize, we also just got here few minutes ago"
Your team captain pated your shoulder as she chuckled at how tense you look for being late,

After that was resolve, you got back to doing some stretches and having practice match with your teammates and discussing about the upcoming matches

After practice____

You were walking back home after practice,

On your way, you thought about the event you had tomorrow, that was attending the blue lock opening, just thinking about the things you need to do as a manager made you have headaches...

'I want my slacking life back......' You cried comical tears mentally

The next day___

Note, You had already told your parents about assisting in this project in advance, which they agreed as they notice how interested you were in doing this and it wasn't something illegal, so yeah, they let you join,

"Mom, dad I'll be heading out then"
You slipped on your shoes as you got ready to leave

"Take care sweetie" You mom let out a closed eyed smile as she handed you your backpack

"Mmm" You nodded at her with a smile as well

You than headed out as your destination now was a hell- no, training camp for high schoolers.....

And also you wouldn't be staying there all the time, you would be heading back home after finishing your duties, you could stay but you didn't want that, don't want a project to effect your studies, right?

You were heading to the main event you have been waiting for, the beginning of blue lock

You were imagining about how your friends (the blk boys) would react when they see you there, you didn't tell them about this to surprise them, while the others did tell you about their's when they got the letter,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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