Chapter 1: The Training Courtyard

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I gritted my teeth, sweat dripping down my face as I swung my sword in a clumsy arc. It clashed with Allan's, the sound of metal on metal ringing through the courtyard. I stumbled back, my arms trembling with fatigue. The sun beat down on us, its intense rays reflecting off the stone walls that surrounded us. The air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers from the nearby gardens of Aethereia, a constant reminder of the beauty and wonder that lay just beyond our reach.

Allan's eyes narrowed, his expression unyielding. "Pathetic, Lyssa! You're not even trying!" He was a master swordsman, his movements fluid and deadly. I, on the other hand, was still a novice, struggling to keep up with his pace.

I charged forward, my sword flashing wildly, but Allan was relentless. He disarmed me with a swift blow, and I landed on the ground, my sword clattering away. The courtyard was silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the guards who watched us with interest.

Allan stood over me, his eyes blazing. "Get up, Lyssa. You're not a child anymore. It's time to take responsibility for your own training. I won't coddle you forever." His voice was firm, but I detected a hint of concern beneath his gruff exterior.

I scrambled to my feet, my face burning with embarrassment and anger. "I don't need your help, Allan. I can do it myself!" I spat, my voice trembling with rage.

Just then, a servant appeared, bowing low. "Master Allan, Mistress Alyssa, your presence is requested at the great hall. Your 18th name day celebrations are about to begin." The servant's voice was like a cold breeze, cutting through the tension between us.

Allan's expression softened slightly, but his voice remained sharp. "Well, Lyssa? Are you coming? Or do you need more time to sulk?" He turned to leave, his black hair gleaming in the sunlight.

I walked past him, my head held high, my voice quiet but powerful. "I'm coming. And I won't be silenced." I followed him out of the courtyard, my silver-platinum hair shining like a beacon in the sunlight. We walked through the gardens of Aethereia, the flowers and trees seeming to lean in as we passed, as if they too were curious about the tension between us.

As we entered the great hall, the festivities already underway, I felt a sense of determination ignite within me. I would prove myself, not just to Allan, but to myself. And when I did, the whole world would know.

After the grueling training session, I was escorted to my chambers, where a team of maids awaited to help me prepare for the celebrations. They bustled around me, removing my sweat-drenched training attire and replacing it with a stunning dark blue gown. The corsets cinched tight, constricting my breathing, and I felt a familiar sense of discomfort.

"Why must I wear this torture device?" I asked, trying to hide my frustration. The lead maid, a kind-eyed woman named Elara, smiled sympathetically. "It's tradition, milady. And you look lovely, if I may say so."

I sighed, knowing it was pointless to argue. The gown was beautiful, with intricate silver embroidery and a flowing skirt, but the corsets made me feel trapped and uncomfortable. As the maids finished their tasks, I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. The dark blue brought out the color of my eyes, and my long, silver-platinum hair cascaded down my back like a waterfall of moonlight. But my expression remained stern, a testament to my inner turmoil.

With a final curtsy, the maids departed, leaving me to my thoughts. I took a deep breath, the corsets digging into my skin, and made my way to the great hall.

As I walked into the great hall, my silver-platinum hair shining in the light, my icy blue eyes met Allan's across the room. We exchanged a familiar smile, our identical eyes crinkling at the corners. We were twins, and our physical differences were a constant source of amusement. Allan's raven-black hair and charming grin made him the life of the party, while my ethereal beauty and reserved nature made me a bit of a mystery. But when it came to sword fighting, we were evenly matched, our skills honed from years of friendly competition.

As I made my way through the crowd, my gown rustling, Allan raised an eyebrow, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. I knew he was thinking about our next training session, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. Little did he know, I had a few new tricks up my sleeve.

But as I took my place beside Allan, our identical eyes meeting in a fleeting glance, I felt a pang of resentment. Why was it that he was loved and admired, while I was feared and avoided? What had I done to deserve such a fate? The questions swirled in my mind like a storm, but I pushed them aside, focusing instead on the celebrations at hand.

The great hall was filled with nobles and guards, all gathered to celebrate our 18th name day. The tables were laden with food and drink, and the air was thick with the smell of roasting meat and freshly baked bread. I took my seat beside Allan, trying to ignore the curious glances of the other guests.

As the feast began, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disconnection. Allan was laughing and chatting with our guests, his charm and charisma on full display. But I was stuck in my own thoughts, my mind wandering back to the training courtyard and the feeling of failure that lingered within me.

Just as I was starting to feel like an outsider, a gentle voice spoke in my ear. "Happy name day, Lyssa. You look lovely tonight." It was Elara, the lead maid who had helped me prepare for the celebrations.

I turned to her with a smile, grateful for the kindness in her voice. "Thank you, Elara. You've done an amazing job with my hair and gown."

Elara smiled back, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's my pleasure, milady. You deserve to shine tonight."

As the feast continued, I found myself feeling more at ease. Elara's words had reminded me that I was worthy of love and admiration, even if I didn't always feel like it. And as I glanced around the great hall, I saw that I wasn't alone. There were others who smiled and nodded in my direction, others who saw beyond my reserved nature and appreciated me for who I was.

But as I looked up at the head table, my heart sank. Our father, the King, sat at the head of the table, his cold, unyielding gaze fixed on me. Beside him, our stepmother, Queen Lirien, smiled sweetly, her eyes glinting with a sinister light.

I knew we had to be careful, Allan and I. The King and Queen were a formidable team, their cold calculation and sinister intentions a potent combination. And I knew they would stop at nothing to eliminate us, to secure their power and their throne.

As the feast drew to a close, I felt a sense of unease settle over me. The King and Queen's eyes seemed to bore into me, their gazes piercing and cold. I knew we were in danger, Allan and I, and I vowed to protect us at all costs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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