32. 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈

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Y/n's Perspective —

I slowly walk out from the gate of my university, eagerly waiting for a taxi to transport me back home. As my eyes scan the surroundings, a car gracefully comes to a halt before me, instantly recognized by my heart.

"My sweet Kookie," I softly utter his name, and with a radiant smile upon his soft, pink lips, he gallantly opens the door for me. I gracefully take my place in the car next to him, and without a word spoken, he skillfully starts the engine.

Why does this moment feel so enchantingly mysterious? Could it be that he has a secret plan unfolding within his mind? His hands expertly maneuver the steering wheel, his elegant fingers wrapped around it with such poise.

The memory of last night floods my thoughts, recalling the exquisite way his fingers moved in perfect harmony with my desires. The symphony of my moans as his touch brought me to the brink of ecstasy. It was truly...unforgettable.

I vow to always cherish our first moments together, feeling the flutter of butterflies dance within my stomach at the mere recollection of our passionate night. His fingers, his every touch, his very essence within me.

Oh, Damn Y/n. When did you become so wonderfully adventurous in your thoughts? The truth is, my heart has belonged to you since my youth. Jeon, what enchanting magic do you possess that leaves me breathless? You are an inferno that consumes my very being.

"My Darling," he whispered, gently calling my name. As I met his gaze, I found myself lost in the depth of his eyes, which were so close to mine that our lips were almost touching.

"Are you thinking about last night?" he asked in a voice filled with seduction, his eyes a blend of darkness and innocence. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and I was sure he noticed.

"Please, share your thoughts with me," he urged, his knuckles grazing my left cheek as he drew closer. In a moment of surprise, his lips met mine in a lingering kiss, leaving me in a daze as I tried to process what just happened.

"Come, my love, there is a world of wonders awaiting us inside," he said, pressing a tender kiss on the crown of my head before opening the door like a true gentleman.

"Where are we headed?" I inquired, and he replied with a warm smile, pointing towards a direction that made my eyes widen in amazement.

Before me stood the grandeur of a luxurious mall in South Korea, and he chuckled at my reaction before leading me inside the breathtaking beauty of the shopping paradise.

I was wandering around, surrounded by others, as we browsed through various dresses. I picked out a few and made my way into the changing room with them.

Gently slipping into one of the white dresses, I felt a surge of beauty. Though it was a bit short, it exuded elegance.

 Though it was a bit short, it exuded elegance

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^ The Outfit

Gazing at my reflection in the mirror, I whispered, "Truly alluring."

My heart skipped a beat when I noticed Jungkook in the changing room, his eyes filled with desire. How long had he been there? He enveloped me in his embrace, pulling me closer.

As I blushed, I realized the allure of the dress, accentuating my beauty. His lips pressed against my bare skin, sending shivers down my spine and fluttering butterflies in my stomach.

"My love, let me show you passion here, please," he whispered. But no, Jeon, I cannot allow this here.

I gently pushed him away as his actions tried to weaken me, he pouted and crossed his arms over his chest in a cute yet innocent manner.

"Your duality," I sighed and turned to gaze at myself in the long mirror, but he quickly pulled me closer, pressing his well-built muscular chest against my back, causing me to freeze.

His chin rested on my shoulder as he gently brushed away the strands of hair from my neck, his warm lips meeting the soft skin of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"I can be anyone you desire, just for you," he whispered near my ear in a seductive tone, his lips creating vibrations on my skin as he spoke.

"Jeon, please let me go."

Jungkook's Perspective —

I tenderly kissed her once more on the soft skin of her neck, feeling her signal for me to step back. I didn't want to move away, but I always listen to my beloved wife.

Reluctantly, I backed away and stood in a corner of the changing room. She gazed at me, blinking her eyes, and softly murmured, "Please leave, I need to change."

"I witnessed everything last night, did I not?" I swiftly responded. She sighed and delicately pressed her lips together, forming a thin line, then replied, "Yes, indeed! Now, depart."

She guided me out of the room as I gently held the door ajar and inquired, "Shall we be acquiring this dress? Hurry out."

She playfully tapped my lips and shut the door with a soft laugh. I chuckled softly at her gesture and made my way to the counter, my gaze tracing the lipsticks in the cosmetics aisle.

A mischievous smile graced my lips as my mind conjured scenarios of her and me inside my car, engaging in playful antics. Today, I shall fulfill this yearning of mine.

I leisurely strolled over to the lipstick display, where myriad shades in various sizes adorned the shelves.

I selected the ideal one, perfectly sized, hued just right, and the precise thickness to bring my fantasy to life.

I selected the ideal one, perfectly sized, hued just right, and the precise thickness to bring my fantasy to life

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Approaching the counter, I waited for my beloved to join me. From the changing room, she emerged directly towards me, holding the white dress and a few other garments in her hands.

"Did you bring lipsticks for me?" she inquires, and I nodded with a smile, trying to conceal my sinful smirk and my impure thoughts from her.

My dearest, today I shall show you heaven in my car, just wait and watch.

"Darling, please go and wear this white dress," I pointed to the dress I saw her wearing earlier in the changing room. She looked at me with confusion.

"I have a surprise for you, hurry!" I replied to the questions swirling in her mind.

Taking a deep breath, she quickly made her way to the changing room to put on the dress. I am truly impatient for this evening.

Author's Perspective —

Hey, So.... I don't have anything to explain. How's the chapter? Tell me in comments and for next chapter complete the goals of 200+ reads, 20+ comments and 30+ votes.

Stay tuned and healthy.

Bye-Bye 👋🏻

- written by avi 💓

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