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YIPPE my favorite sailor :) he's very shiny and muddy and scarred (though they blend into his skin too much oops)

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YIPPE my favorite sailor :) he's very shiny and muddy and scarred (though they blend into his skin too much oops)

he's also very glowy!!! and has hair that's kinda like a jellyfish!!! and shiny freckles!!!!

anyways have some other vers,,

without s hine;;

without s hine;;

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anddd have other ari's :))

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anddd have other ari's :))

anddd have other ari's :))

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silly ari's

ari concept (dimples my beloved)

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ari concept (dimples my beloved)

uhhh also ignore how bad this is i did it with my finger lol

uhhh also ignore how bad this is i did it with my finger lol

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smol ari

anddd take other arts

anddd take other arts

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kadavo doodle page

kadavo doodle page

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HAND. TIS A HANDDD that doesn't look half bad!! yes there's room for improvement but for someone who always draws stubs its great!!!

anyways,, that's it,, bye bye :)

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