1-Meeting you again ... (part 1)

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My name's April Choy , and this is my story  :

I first met him in high-school , we were both 18 years old back then ... An age when we are the most vulnerable , when we discover love , friendship and inevitably pain as well . I was the Top  student of the class and my life was all about studies , grades , and ranking . Living was just like homework to me , i had to wake-up in the morning for some reason i wasn't aware of , and then go to school and come-back home to study again ... I was just like a paranoid android , faking smiles , forcing laughters and even telling funny  jokes to my friends and family as if i was completely fine . . . Until that new transfer-student made a sudden appearance in my life  , his name was Rain , just like the peaceful healing raindrops that knock my windowpane to bring joy and alacrity to my life . That boy was just that kind of person to me at least .

I've heard once in a song that those hardest to love need it most , and only 5 years after meeting Rain that i've realized how true that is .

**Flash-back ***

At Julliard high-school

It was raining dogs and puppies ... And as expected , i was the only student to bring an umbrella but not use it .  Just like a 3 years old child , i was playing with my umbrella  while dancing under the rain , that was the only cheerful detail about my life . The whole school knew i was a pluviophile but no one was aware of the only hide-out where i can act like one . I was , just like a fool , laughing out loud while feeling the shower submerge all my existence . Its equatorial scent was blowing my nose and the icy  wind was swirling around me while maintaining my eyelids stapled . I was still crazily enjoying the rainfall when the raindrops stopped suddenly hitting my head , i looked up and saw a black umbrella ... And as i was slowly lowering my gaze , i've seen an unfamiliar young boy who , out of sudden , screamed to me :

- Are you crazy ? You're all wet ! You'll end-up catching a cold ... Or some goddamn terminal sickness ! You must be really out of your mind !

Without leaving me a chance to reply , he took-off his school bag and picked his P.E towel before throwing it on my face . I angrily  took it away from me and told him with a pissed-off voice :

- I am a Pluviophile !

- What ? That's your argument ! Is it some kind of religion ? ! He replied with a loud shaking voice in a mocking attitude .

At these words , i couldn't think of something  to say , so i asked him  :

- Who are you anyways ?

- Is that important right now ? Really ! He  exclaimed with a mixed feeling of relish and surprise before leaving ... And only when he put my hand on the umbrella cane did i realize  i was shamelessly screaming at him  while he was holding his umbrella for me  all this time .

And as i was staring at him going away and his school uniform getting wet ...i thought to myself that  i had a lot to ask but somehow couldn't ... How he found my secret hide-out ? Who he was ? Why he gave me his towel and his umbrella as well ?

At that time , i have never thought that such curiosity could give birth to a life-long friendship ... Yes , i believed in the life-long friendship thing ... As long at words for it existed , i faithfully believed in it .

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