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"Maya, it's your first day of a brand new school. get up, won't you?" mom's voice shrieking down my ear awake me from my beauty sleep.

"okay mom. I've done bathing" i lied when it's only seconds i woke up. gee, the sun is such a pervert. somehow i miss my old room in Hampton. i miss how the curtain was so thick that even the ray couldn't went through it.

"okay, darling. i'll go get your breakfast done" mom replied.

20 minutes. That's all i need to get ready. i'm fair, and my eyebrow is originally well-made. So there's no need for me to apply face powder or shape up my eyebrow. Mascara and a lip balm is enough. i went downstairs and sit in front of my dad who was currently reading a newspaper online (his morning routine before going to work) and eat the breakfast my mom had made.

"Morning, sunshine" my dad smiled.

"Morning dad. Dad, how do i get to school? my Car is still in Hampton. Or do you drive me to school?" 

"That problem is fixed, Honey. Take a look outside" mom said.

Oh my God. are they buying me a new car

so i ran outside with bread still in my hand and saw a white Ferrari and another black Toyota car. i almost scream when my dad says

"that's your mom's and that's mine" while pointing at the Ferrari and Toyota.

"so, where's mine?"

"No young lady. you don't drive here. wait till you familiar with this road then i let you drive any of this car"

i was pouting and that's the sign for me begging. my parents knew it. My mom was laughing at the front door looking at us.

"well, Maya. you better finish your breakfast then Dad can drive you to your new school. it's a brand new beginning for all of us. oh i'm so excited to be here!" Mom giggled. She's easily impressed.

So we finished our breakfast and Dad drive me to school. I wanted him to accompany me to the principal's office and the registration but that would be too funny. i'm old enough to take care of myself. i'm not nervous going to this new school. it's just the same thing. make friends, party, date and exam. So, when i arrived, i asked anyone i met on the hall for the principal's office. This school is kinda big, i tell you. so, i met this one girl, her name is Breanna but she wanted me to call her Bre, offered to walk me to principal's office. she's a cheerleader. it shows in her cheerleading outfit. I'm so Thankful to her because it's my first day and it would be hard walking all over this school just to find an office. she asked me whether i'm from America because it shows in my accent. living in Australia, i have to get used to their sexy accent.

i bid goodbye to Bre as soon as i saw the office. Bre said that she hope to be in the same class as i am because her bestfriend who is sitting right next to her had just moved so she don't have any deskmate. she's so nice. After i finished my registration, Miss Anne walked me to my class.

i saw a familiar face when i entered the class. Bre is waving her hand to me saying that I have to sit right next to her. The teacher ask me to introduce myself.

"Hye, my name is Maya Adernburg. Call me Maya. i'm from the State and i'll be living her for a long time"

then, there's a voice from nowhere asking,

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"what subject do you like?"

"what kind of guy do you like?"

so i answered.

"I don't have a boyfriend or specific thoughts about a guy that i like but the most important thing is that we trust each other and i actually like calculation"

and the crowds goes wooooo

"okay, Maya. sit wherever you like" the teacher told me.

then there's a girl voice said

"oh so now we have two American students then"

i was triggered by that and started to ask the class where is the person. the one from the States. while walking to the seat right next to Bre.

the class pointed the person in front of my seat. it's a guy. I'm already sitting so i decided to tap his shoulder. just to see his face so maybe he can show me around and show me how to adapt things here. But he didn't even turn his face. so i tap harder. but he gave me a dismissive shrug. first impression: Arrogant.

Bre was looking at me and whispered 

"why did he shrug? do you know each other?"

"i don't. who is he?"

"that's Nathan. He's the Perfect Dream guy in this School. for as long as i know, he's single"

"i giggled. that's not what i wanted to know, Bre"

"He have the look, He's popular, he's rich and he don't date. He's suspiciously gay but he's not into guy, he said and everyone believed that except for me. like, look at him being single. oh yeah and he's a genius too. damn too perfect."

i giggled again. Bre is like the internet of the school.

"it's okay. i believed you. i believed that he's gay"

i should believe an arrogant person is gay. but something about him seems familiar from the back. yet i don't know what.

Class ended so soon and Mr Pete (the maths teacher who happens to be our homeroom teacher) ask that arrogant guy to give me tour around after school because he's from the States and it might be easy and comfortable to deal with. So, me and Nathan are going to spend time together after class. yeahh NO ugh.

He went out of the class right away without even talking to me. now that's what i least expected from my first day. so i asked Bre,

"Bre, could you be the one giving me tour instead of him?"

"why? he's hot. you might miss a chance like this, Maya. He's a greek god"

"he's not friendly"

"if i could come along, i would but i have cheerleading practice today so i can't. sorry" Bre pleaded

"it's okay. i think i'd be best touring alone"

"so then, i'm going first okay. xoxo, Maya"

"okay, Bre"

Bre is in such a rush. maybe because she like cheerleading a lot that she's trying to go there early. i was packing my bag when Bre's head popped from the door saying,

"Maya, Nathan asked you to hurry up. he's waiting outside"

"outside? isn't he gone for like few minutes ago?"

"he's actually leaning by this wall while waiting for you. got to go. have a nice tour. bye"

and Bre waved me a flying kiss.

so, i went out of the class and saw him leaning by the wall, looking down the floor. crossing his leg, naturally. he seems familiar. so i called him.


and when he looked at me, a visual appeared. i was frozen right at that spot. My files fell down. could it be that he was Nathan? as if Nathaniel Smith? he smirked. As if he knew i was shocked to find him here. then, HE IS NATHAN.

I picked up my files and started to walk past him. i don't want to have a tour with him. this is the guy i hate the most in my life. he's not worth it. but what happen with his glasses and his braces and his way of tucked in his shirt all the time? oh right. it's four years since i last saw him. of course people change but this kind of change is unexpected. 

"why May? surprised to see me? you don't seem to recognised me back then in class? am i not good enough for you? if i was this handsome would you date me then?"

I shut my eyes and stopped my pace. it's confirmed. He's Nathan. Nathaniel Smith. he's the only person who called me May.

"i'm going to change school tomorrow" i told him.

"there's no need."

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