chapter 6: reassurance

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"C'mon, Y/N!"

(I apologize for the shitty drawing- ill do better next time :D!)

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(I apologize for the shitty drawing- ill do better next time :D!)

"Oh- right!-"

Y/N was curious about how N behaved after everything that happened to them, how could he ever be so positive? It's like nothing has happened. They stared at N, they pondered that despite the set of circumstances, he was still smiling, talking all sweets and rainbows while he held their hand as they arrived back on the ship. The way his tail would sway gently in the air while he spoke was shocking for Y/N, but it didn't bother them. If Y/N was being honest, listening to N's voice was like taking the medications to cure whatever mental illness they had.

But Y/N was thinking of one thing, and that thought only: why are their memory files incomplete? why can't they seem to remember their own best friend? Y/N seemed to be lost in thought.

Being lost in thought meant they also lost track of time. N and Y/N were already in front of the corpse tower yet Y/N was still in their little world. Well, he could tell by how their screen was loading, and with their mouth slightly open. Y/N looked so much like a ragdoll standing so... oddly. N shook them gently, trying to get their attention.





"Earth to Y/N?"

"...Oh biscuits."


"Oh biscuits... why aren't they...?" I thought to myself, now worried about my friend. Y/N has been so stuck up lately. I notice they stay up at night until they fall asleep and sometimes not sleep! I honestly feel so bad for them. If only I could do something for them, I would. And the only thing I could ever think of as of right now was to help my friend out!

"Y/N? Buddy?" I spoke to them softly, leaning slightly to their face to make sure they were alright but by the seams of it, they weren't. They were still zoned out and everything it's concerning... I was still trying to do other things to get their attention, but I needed help to get it to work out. No one likes hearing MP3s of loud pipe noises, huh?

So hesitantly, I rubbed their hand with my thumb. I was still holding their hand after all. Once more I called out to them, talking to them with a softer tone like I did a few moments ago. I want them to stop zoning out this time.

"Y/N?" It took a while before Y/N snapped out of it and it worked! I gave them a warm yet concerned smile, "There you are, buddy!" I felt a sense of relief as they rubbed their screen as if they had actual human eyes. I also noticed they had... eyebags. I shook my head to shake off whatever thought I would have for the next hour.

"You alright?" I gave them a hopeful look while my tail swayed slightly faster in the background. It took them a few seconds to look around only to nod. They didn't seem as fine as they looked, I only knew because of their little frown!

"Mhm, I'm fine." I see them grip their forehead in a seemingly frustrated way. They're such a bad liar. Though, I wonder what could ever be in their mind. What were they thinking of so deeply they spaced out? After a few moments of silence, I decided to speak up.

"How about we head back first?" Giving them a small yet hopeful smile, I continued to lead the way back to the ship. I could feel Y/N's grip tremble lightly in my hand. "You're gonna be okay, Y/N," I murmured, knowing they probably couldn't hear me.

3rd or whatever POV this is.

After walking for a bit, they managed to comfortably rest on the ship's chairs. N leaned back on the chair with his hands behind his head while Y/N's were hugging their knees. The aura was somewhat peaceful but it had some sort of tension that made the atmosphere so heavy. I guess the silence was quite needed for the two, huh? Especially Y/N over there. N could see their knees shaking and their hands holding onto their legs as if their life depended on it. Y/N looked like they were going to have a panic overdrive any minute now. Slowly and carefully, N reached out for their shoulder.

"Y/N?" He speaks up to the poor robot beside him who slowly turns their head in his direction, still of course hugging their knees but much lighter. N tried to understand how they felt and read the room, his sensors telling him that Y/N felt stressed and guilty. He was solely focused on making Y/N feel better, he was focused on you. Slowly, his tail suddenly becomes sentient and it wraps around you. though its sharp needle looks threatening from your torso, I promise you, it won't hurt you unless you do something stupid. He then asks you,

"Do you wanna talk about it, Y/N?" And from the way you're looking at him, you do want to talk about it. You scoot your chair closer to him to start your sob story, rambling and ranting over and over.

"I just don't get it, N! I can't seem to remember my own best friend. I can barely make their face up. The memories I have with them are so unclear, it's messing with my head! Did I even spend time with anyone back then? Did I even have anyone? I don't know if it's my system that's shitting with me but... I can't... I can't figure it out and I feel lost-"

You were cut off...

...With N embracing you in his arms and his tail. His knees kneeled to reach your exact height, his eyes shut as he held you. His body felt hot against yours since he probably hadn't drunk any oil. You gain some composure to hug him back, not caring about anything else but each other.

"You're gonna be okay." He spoke in a soft tone, hugging you tighter as if he never wanted to let go of you. A sense of guilt seeps into him, somehow knowing who you're talking about. But he doesn't remember much either. Then again, this was about comforting you and giving you the reassurance you deserved.

"I can't fucking take this anymore, N."

"Everything's gonna be okay."

You sobbed slightly in his arms, reminiscing his heat against your cold metal body. This is a moment you'll definitely never forget and if you did, you'd do everything in your willpower to remember all this.

End of chapter 6

sorry for the wait for this chapter!!! burnout is KILLING me at the moment- yall are so damn lucky that im still motivating myself to continue this book.

anyway, i hope the wait was worth it! :D

cya next time, Y/N!!

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