Chapter one

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Haewon's pov

Today started like any other day. Get up, take a shower, eat breakfast courtesy of our maknae aera. She is an amazing cook, her family actually owns a huge restaurant franchise in Seoul "unnie, did you want more bok choy? I made a bit more since I know it's your favorite" aera asked, "no thanks ra, I'm a bit full. Save some for miyeon I know she'll eat it up" I told her, she nodded as she walked back into the kitchen.

as I ate I scrolled through my phone looking at all the photos from the party two days ago, "yah! I look gross why did you even save that photo" miyeon said from behind me "god miyeon don't scare me like that, you do look shit faced that's why I kept it. Maybe I'll keep it for blackmail" I giggled, miyeon sat next to me with her plate of breakfast "anyways you never told me why you came home late after the party ended" she asked me, "well I kinda maybe slept with someone" I whispered to her "WHAT" she stood up yelling, "quiet down, jisoo is still sleeping and aera is in the other room" I told her.

"Sorry, but who? Why? Was he good? is he you know" she started separating her hands to see if I would tell her how big the guy was "yeonnie stop it, im not spilling anything now eat your breakfast. I'll go wake up jisoo because we have practice in 2 hours" I got up putting my plate in the sink and rushing up to jisoo's room to get her up.

I open her door to see her sleeping peacefully like a baby, I walk towards her "JISOOOOOOOO WAKE UP" I yelled close to her ear, "YAH! Unnie why must you do that every morning, I was having this dream about hyunjin and I being on date, you ruined it" she said irritated. "Well I'm sorry you had to leave dream land but we have practice soon, so get up and eat you need it for nutrition. I can't handle what happened last time, I can't almost lose you again so please I do this because I care and I love you. I might be overbearing about this but you are our glue" I told her, tears welled up in jisoo's eyes "I love you too" we hugged then got up going out separate ways.

I got into my room throwing on some sweats and laid in my bed until it was time to head to practice

"Okay girls, comeback is in one month we need this to be perfect. Now it's your first comeback since your debut just a few months ago, this needs to be bigger than ever let's get up" our dance mentor said, after some stretching we started a dance for our new song "believe me"

About three hours into practice aespa's karina and ningning come in to give us some tips on our performance, I am absolutely star struck even though I trained with them for a few months before their debut. Once they left we took our break and went to a cafe nearby to get some drinks, I got an iced caramel macchiato with a croissant super yummy. As we talked I noticed a group of boys sitting across the cafe and one looking directly at me, once I got a clear shot of him I panicked and looked away.

"Shit he's here" I said, "who is here hae?" Aera asked, "the guy I slept with a couple days ago" I turned into a tomato at that point "well go over!!! Say hi" miyeon said, "are you dumb? No let's go, I'm already embarrassed enough" I told them, "why would you be embarrassed?" Jisoo asked, "because his group is so popular if it got out that he slept with a rookie, his reputation would be gone. Now come on let's pretend this didn't happen" we got up and left to head back to SM.


thank you for reading this first chapter! Please look forward to more

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