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"BREAKING NEWS! The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has grow even bigger. Both of the world leader has been assasinated. According to professional, nuclear war might happen and that will be the beggining of World War 3." A brief annoucement from the school broadcast club. They were testing their microphone and those statement earlier were made up.

"Damn, that's something!" Said person A.

"I wonder if that would really happens though." Said person B.

"No one knows."

"Hey, isn't that the Bookworm, Yamato? What is he doing inside the Chemistry Lab?"

"Chemistry Lab?! It's already rare enough to see him outside the classroom during this time of the day!"

"Let's follow him!"


Inside the Chemistry Lab,

"You know that hydrochlorics are acidic right?" Yamato ask.

"Yes." A girl reply.

"Then why do you pour it on your hand?" He ask while cleaning the girl hand.

"I'm curious."

"Curious won't get you anywhere if you lost your hand! Should be lucky it's a weak acid." Yamato reminds her while applying bandage around her hand.
The girl remain silence.

"It should be fine now. Will you do it again?" Yamato ask. The girl shakes her head.

"Good girl." He say while patting her head.

"Damn, are they dating?" Person A ask Person B while peeping through the window.

"No idea." Person B reply.

Yamato and the girl then stands up and walk towards the Chemistry Lab door. The other two quickly run away and hide.

"I think someone is here just a minute ago. Do you see them?"

The girl shakes her head.

"Must be my imagination then."

They then head straight to the class, followed by the other two. As they take their seat, Yamato immediately read a book. Being a bookworm he is. Minutes later, the homeroom teacher enter the class.

"Good morning, class! Without further ado I'll be taking attendance. Is Yuuichi Yamato here?"

"Here!" Yamato answer while raising his hand.

"If you are here then that means Kuki Shiori is here too. Check!"

It seems that the relationship between them were known by whole class except of course the two 'monkey' from earlier because they have been skipping school, a lot! Yamato and Shiori relationship is a master and servant relationship. From the way it seems, it's already clear who is the master but no. Yamato is the master and Shiori is the servant. Let just say that Yamato's maternal instinct gets a hold of him. Whenever he see Shiori, he sees her as a 5 year old kid that needs a lot of attention.

After finish taking attendance, the teacher tell the class an important announcement.

"Before I start the class today, I would like to inform you guys that our school has been given a permission to do a field trip beyond the gate. The field trip will be held next week. We will be visiting the world called as Ezogus. Make sure to tell your parents first. That's all for now. Now, open page 54."

Oh yeah, forgot to tell you! In this world, bunch of gate from another world has been open. The cause is because the universe that Yamato is in were staying at the center of the Multiversal Cluster. Making every single route in the world connected to it. Thus, appearance of the gate.

After school, Shiori and Yamato were waiting for their driver to pick them u- wait! They don't even need to wait. The driver is already there at the front gate.
"Young master, new uniform for your private maid, Shiori has arrived." The driver say.

"Oh, really! You should try it on as soon as we got home." Yamato said to Shiori.

"Yes, I will!" Shiori reply.

On their way home, a monster suddenly emerges from the ground. Destroying the road ahead.

"I'm Enzekar from the world of Lympus! The next demon king candidate! And to prove that, I will destroy this world!" The demon said.

While everyone is panicking, Yamato and everyone in the car remain calm.

"Shiori, you want some experience?" Yamato ask. Shiori nods.

"Okay." He then hops out the car.

"Be careful young master. You are still young. Atleast before dying, get married first." The driver tells him jokingly.

"I know, I know! I'll make it quick." He then walk towards the demon.

"Hahaha, screams more puny human! I wil-"

"Excuse me, Mr. Enzekar."

"Huh, what do you want?!"

"You say that you want to destroy this world isn't. I have another suggestion. Why don't you just take over this world? With that, you will have more power than other demon king candidate."

"Hmm, you are right! I like you human! What is your name?"

"Yuuichi Yamato sir. I'm came from a extremely rich family. According to another world, you could call my family a Viscount. I could help you financialy."

"Ohohoho, this is interesting! I agree!"

"Thank you. As a sign of trust, let's shake hand."

As the demon shake hand with Yamato, he felt strange.

"Gold Touch, Midas." Yamato said slowly. Later, the demon body become a solid gold.

"Excalibur, Arthur." A sword appear on Yamato hand.

"Come here, Shiori! You dealt the finishing blow." Shiori came to him and Yamato hand over the sword to her. She swings the sword, hitting the demon. The demon broke apart. A bunch of small blue orb can be seen floating around Shiori.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel light... And clean?"

"That's the feeling of getting stronger, give me the sword. Let's go home."

"Yes!" Shiori nods and smile at Yamato. Looking at him with a sparkling eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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