~ Chapter 1 : The Sudden Faint ~

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It was the same as any other Sunday in Paris. The many pigeons around were singing, the leaves were dancing in the wind, and Bakugo and his friends were hanging out in the park. The group were walking near the big water fountain in the middle of the park. They all sat down as they talked about one thing and another.

"Oh yeah, who got akumatized yesterday? I didn't see em'." Kaminari asked. "It was Ojiro, he got turned into 'Bland Boy', I think." Sero replied to his friend's question. The group were all eating croissants that they got from the nearby bakery, owned by their friend, Marinette's parents. "These are soooo good!!" Mina exclaimed, before Bakugo scoffed afterwards. "They're okay, I guess .." The group laughed at Bakugo's comment, before the ash blonde put his finger up, silently telling the others to be quiet. They stopped, before Bakugo stood up from the fountain, looking over to a bench area, where two boys were sitting at. One had black hair and brown eyes, and the other had brown hair, blonde bangs and green-ish blue eyes. The duo were students from Françoise DuPont. They seemed to be talking amongst each other ... about Bakugo.

"You know that Bakugo guy? Y'know, the blonde?" The black haired asked. "Yeah, you talking about that little shit that can't shut his mouth? He is so annoying! He keeps complaining about everything!! Why can't they just expel him already?! He doesn't deserve to be here!" "You complain all the time too, y'know?" "No, I don't! At least I don't constantly yell at everyone!!" "You're yelling right now, Ethan." "SHUT UP!!!"

Bakugo froze. He just stared at the duo, growing .. angrier by the second. The words 'Ethan' said constantly repeated in his mind. He didn't deserve to be there? Well, neither did Ethan. He had to beat him for what he said.

"Hey, uhh, Bakubro, are you okay?" Kirishima asked Bakugo. Bakugo didn't reply. He just stood there, shaking violently in pure rage. Although, before he could move forward and teach Ethan a lesson, he suddenly fell down in a faint. He fell hard onto the ground, Kirishima gasping. "Bakubro? Bakugo, are you okay?!" Kirishima exclaimed, crouching down to try to shake his friend awake. "BAKUGO?!"


Bakugo suddenly woke up in a completely dark void. He was completely confused, almost dazed. He looked around, seeing absolutely nothing in this void he was in .. yet.

"Hah? Where am I?" Bakugo asked, his voice echoing. Although, Bakugo froze as something suddenly spoke back to him. "Come on, BAKUGO .. why don't you just kill that guy? You always want to kill everyone you meet, so why not?" "What?! No, I don't! Who are you, where are you?! Let me out of here!!" "Not until you GIVE IN!!"

Suddenly, what seemed to be .. that Deku that Bakugo kept hallucinating and dreaming about appeared right in front of Bakugo's face. It was like some kind of horror movie, the way he appeared. Bakugo backed away from this fake version of his rival, before the ash blonde scowled. "What do you want?! What do you want now?!" He yelled at the apperation, before 'Deku' laughed right in his face. "You're a villain now, Bakugo. Don't forget it. Everyone's talking about Hothead behind your back. Hothead. THE REAL YOU!!" 'Deku' exclaimed again, before Bakugo froze again, his lip quivering. "No, I'm not! No, I'M FUCKING NOT!! I'll be a great hero, no matter what you say or .. what the fuck happened!!" Bakugo yelled back to 'Deku', defending himself. As soon as he said that, 'Deku' seemed to have disappeared. Bakugo took a second to collect and calm himself, although he didn't have much time before .. someone else appeared in front of Bakugo. The ash blonde looked up, confused, before he let out a gasp seeing .. Hothead. Hothead himself. The villain version of Bakugo. He was just .. staring at him, grinning, his neon red and purple gleaming in the darkness.

"You- .. wha-" Bakugo croaked out, before the voice of 'Deku' came back once more. "You're a villain, Bakugo. Take a good look at the DEMON inside of you. He wants out." 'Deku' informed Bakugo, laughing. Bakugo could barely move seeing Hothead again. He didn't even want to think about him, but here the villain was, right in front of him. "No, no, no, no, no, no .. no, no, NO, NO!!! LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE FOR ONCE!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD, DAMN IT-" Bakugo yelled, before he started hearing another voice .. a more calming, familiar, and friendly one. "Bakubro, come on, wake up, please! What's going on with him?!"


Suddenly, after hearing that voice, Bakugo jolted awake, breathing heavily. He sat up, confused to see his friends standing above him, worried. "Are you okay, man?!" Sero asked. "You fainted all of a sudden!" Mina exclaimed afterwards. Although, before Bakugo could respond, he was suddenly hugged. "Man, I was so worried there! What happened? Are you okay? Does your head hurt?!" Kirishima kept asking Bakugo, before he grunted. "Slow down, damn .. I .. I'm fine ..." Bakugo groggily murmured, before he tried standing. He was pretty dizzy, though, so he was stumbling a little. Kirishima held Bakugo's arms as he tried to help him balance.

"Get off, I don't need help! .." Bakugo exclaimed to Kirishima, before the red haired frowned. "You sure, man? You seem really dizzy. You wanna go back to the hotel and rest? I think you should." Kirishima said, before Bakugo groaned in annoyance. "Fine, fine! Where is that stupid hotel? .." Bakugo asked, his friends starting to walk off with Kirishima helping Bakugo while they walked. Bakugo kept refusing the help, but Kirishima was persistent on helping his poor friend. He was worried for him. He didn't seem well if he was randomly fainting.

As the friend group walked off back 'home', Ethan and the other boy stared at them. Ethan looked over, before he mischievously smirked, seeming to have some kind of plan in mind. "Psst, hey, Alexandre. I have an idea on how we can expel ALL of those fuckers. Now, listen up ...."


To be continued . . . 😳

(I FINALLY MADE ANOTHER STORY ABOUT THIS- AAAAA- anyway I hope you enjoyed, see you next chapter 😀💙✨)

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