The first man

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Lucifer being nosy as fuck had somehow found out about the first man's arrival on earth so he decided to give the new man a little visit.

Lucifer's POV: "come on Micheal! Please! I just want to see him!" I begged "I've told you before, No! You always find a way to fuck up everything or anything!" Micheal said out of annoyance "well damn you don't have to be rude.." I said under my breath "but! Please, please, please! Micheal! I never got to even look at him because you didn't let me!" Micheal just rolled his eyes and said "fucking fine! But if something happens to him I'm blaming you!" He growled (NOT LITERALLY) "YAY!!!"

A few minutes later
Lucifer POV: as I made my way to earth I thought, "hm, I wonder if this Adam persons dumb or not" I chuckled to myself "this is gonna be real fun.." After a few minutes I finally got to earth

Adam's POV: "hm..I gonna name you aaaa- fish, and you look like a snake to me.." I was just sitting on one of the big rocks as a bunch and I mean a lot a of animals surround me. But then I saw what had to be the most beautiful animal I had ever seen "woah.." I think it's looking for something "u-um, Hey! You! Are you some typ of animal!?" I yelled as I began to stand up

Lucifer's POV: "PFFF- does he really think I'm an animal!?" I laughed, he looked really confused "are you a bird or something?" I had as he began to walk closer to me "ummmm, yes- I'm a bird.." I chuckled "Can I name you?" I he asked "okay you really are I'm not a bird, I'm an Angel, I'm the same thing as the people who made you~" I snickered, he paused for a moment "Oh, how come you have a lot of wings? But the birds only have 2 wings?" I shrugged "I don't know. I didn't make the birds have only two." Adam looked at the ground "oh..well, why are you down here? Shouldn't you be in heaven? He asked "umm- I guess because I wanted to?" I shrugged

Adam's POV: "oh, well what does stupid mean? And why did you say that I'm stupid?" I asked  "oh- um, it means the opposite of smart" I guess he was nervous about telling me that because he laughed nervously, I didn't say anything "well, I have a question for you." The angel said and i looked up at him "why do you ask so many questions?" I paused for a moment before answering "I don't know, I guess because you have the answers" he chuckled and laid down on the grass "I like you Adam." He said as I sat down next to him "I like you too Angel."


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The first man and "his" angelWhere stories live. Discover now