Part 5 | Where do we go now?

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I probably had the best sleep of my life last night, Or at least since outbreak day. Ever since outbreak day, I've been waking up during the night and barely able to get back to sleep. but last night was different, I don't think I woke up once. Momma was holding onto my hand as we slept in probably one of the comfiest beds I've laid on. It wasn't too hot or too cold and I knew I was safe from the walkers. I really could get used to living like this again.

I walk into the same room we ate in last night, The one that looks like a fancy cafeteria. Everybody's already sitting down and talking or groaning from being hungover. Why do adults even drink when they know that they're gonna wake up feeling like this? I don't get it.

I sit down next to Momma who is eating the eggs T-Dog has put in front of her and she puts some on a plate for me, which I happily take. I never really liked eggs, I've always hated the dry texture but I'm happy to eat these because they're better than a breakfast bar or fish.

Glenn's groaning from the pain of the hangover, which I find slightly amusing. not from his pain, of course. It looks like he's going through hell, I just find it funny that he's complaining about something he caused.

"Don't ever ever ever let me drink again," Glenn complains. I chuckle slightly, just quiet enough that Momma and I can only hear. I think Momma is a bit hungover, too. She's just better at showing it. She just seems extra quiet this morning.

"You okay, Momma?" I ask her, making her look at me, she just smiles slightly.

"I'm fine, just had a bit too much to drink last night. don't worry about me, Okay?" Momma says, and I nod my head.

"Would you like some water? Water always helps me when I'm not feeling well." I ask.

"Yes please, baby," Momma says with a smile on her face as I get out of my chair and walk over to the sink, getting on my tiptoes to try and reach a glass.

Shane walks into the room, looking slightly more moody than usual. I'm confused because usually, he's really happy in the morning and he and Dale are the first to greet everybody. I try not to be too bothered by his mood though, He's probably just hungover like the rest of the adults. I wave at Shane, to silently say good morning, but he walks past me and doesn't even bother to acknowledge my presence which makes me frown the slightest bit.

"Rude," I whisper under my breath as I fill Momma's glass up for her.

Just as I'm walking back to where Momma and I are sitting, T-Dog speaks up, catching everybody's attention.

"What the Hell happened to you? Your neck?" T-Dog asks Shane.

Everybody tries to get a look at Shane's neck to see what T-Dogs talking about. T-Dogs right, there is something on Shane's neck. Scratches. I wonder how he got those, they weren't there last night when I saw him walking out of the rec room.

"I must have done it in my sleep," Shane says. I don't believe him. I don't know why, I know I have no right not to believe what he's saying but I get this little feeling in my stomach that tells me not to believe what he says. I push that feeling down though. Shane is a good man and good men don't lie.

"Never seen you do that before," Rick says.

"Me neither, Not like me at all," Shane responds, looking over at Lori, but Lori tries not to acknowledge him, going back to her food.

Jenner walks into the room, looking much better than everybody else does.

"Morning," Jenner says, heading straight for the coffee maker.

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