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Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a planet known as Tatooine, which is a desert planet, and there were farmers there, like a young man named Luke Skywalker, and a pair of Toon Kids named Tommy and Melody. Unbeknownst to them, the evil Galactic Empire has finished construction of a moon shaped space station that has the power to destroy worlds, known as the Death Star. Meanwhile, the rebellion that is determined to take down the Galactic Empire, has sent Toon Mew Princess Gidget to obtain the secret plans of the Death Star in hopes of finding a weakness... and noun of this is canon or must be taken seriously, so just relax... 

above the planet of Tatooine, there was a rebellion ship being chased by a larger ship called a Star Destroyer, which belonged to the Galactic Empire. The reason of the chase was because the rebels inside have the secret plans of the Empire's ultimate weapon, and they want them back. Inside the Rebellion ship were a pair of droids called C-3Po (voiced by Anthony Daniels) and R2-D2, who were both shaken by the hits from blasters that hit the ship. C-3Po: "Did you felt that?, they taken down the defense, we'll be destroyed for sure!... we're doomed..." said the taller golden droid, before Princess Leia (voiced by Carrie Fisher), and a little pink cat like Toon girl named Gidget (voiced by Lisa Ortiz) came to the scene. Leia: "R2-D2, if anything happens to us, I want you to carry these plans to the Rebel base... and go to Tatooine to find Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boney 10, for we'll need their help to stop the Empire." Gidget: "Yeah, they're real jerks." said Gidget, which made R2-D2 beep in agreement. As soon as the princesses made their recording, a bunch of Storm Troopers came into the rebellion ship, and begin attacking the rebels, who fire blasters back at them. It wasn't long before the ruler of the Empire, which was a Sith lord named Darth Vader (voiced by James Earl Jones), came into the ship, followed by a trio of Demon Dragons, one in red was ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), the one in blue was ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings), and the one in black was SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), and together, the Demons were known as the Demon trio. Darth Vader: "ScreamClaw... ThunderSmacker... SpaceWarp... go find the princesses and bring them back alive... and don't forget the plans." ScreamClaw: "As you command Lord Vader." ThunderSmacker: "You can count on us." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." so with that, the Demon trio went off to find the princesses, which they did and captured them, while the two droids went into an escape pod, which launched out and fell to the planet of Tatooine. Down below of the planet, there was a young man named Luke Skywalker (voiced by Mark Hamill), along with two Toon kids named Tommy (voiced by Tara Strong), who is a Toon fox boy, and Melody (voiced by Nancy Cartwright) who is a blue rabbit girl that happens to be Tommy's little sister. Tommy: "Boy... what a day... a lot of growing and a lot of things to repair..." Melody: "No kidding... though it does get a little boring..." Luke: "You can say that again... and it's only been the three of us since my uncle and aunt passed away..." Tommy: "Yeah... at least we have each other..." Melody: "Yeah Luke... we're like family, ever since your uncle and aunt adopted us." Luke: "Yeah... so any luck with controlling your powers yet?" Tommy: "You mean my ability to stretch my body as it's made of rubber?, well it's getting better." Melody: "And my healing powers are getting better too." Luke: "I wished I were a Toon... then maybe I could actually do something... like maybe join the rebellion to free the galaxy, which I hope to see one day..." Tommy: "Me too... but we're not rebels... I mean we don't know how to fight against Storm Troopers... and we don't really have a reason to leave Tatooine..." Melody: "Yeah... it's not like something that would stop the Empire is just gonna fall out of the sky and land right here." said Melody, before all of a sudden, the escape pod crashes into the ground, much to the trio's surprise. Tommy: "What the heck?!" gasped Tommy, before C-3Po and R2-D2 came out of the pod. C-3Po: "My goodness... what a dilemma... we've landed in the middle of nowhere..." Melody: "Actually... you landed in front of our place..." C-3Po: "Oh... Greetings natives of this planet, I am C-3Po, and this is R2-D2." Tommy: "Nice to meet ya, I'm Tommy, and this is Melody, my sister, and that's Luke Skywalker, our step brother." C-3Po: "Wait... Skywalker?, goodness gracious!, you're Anakin's son!" Luke: "Wait... you knew my father?" C-3Po: "Of course, he was the one who built me... he was a brave Jedi... one of the best..." Luke: "My father was... a Jedi?" C-3Po: "Oh... I suppose nobody told you... probably for the best, for if the Galactic Empire found out... they would surely hunt you down... oh dear..." Melody: "So... can you tell us why you're here?" C-3Po: "Well R2-D2 and I just escaped from the Empire, and we need to find the ones called Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boney 10." Tommy: "Hmm... I don't know about Obi-Wan Kenobi... but I do know a man named Ben Kenobi, and there was a Demon Dragon who goes by the name of Boney 10... we can take you two to them if you like." C-3Po: "Yes, thank you very much." so with that, the group went off to find the ones called Ben Kenobi and Boney 10, and soon they found both Ben Kenobi (voiced by Alec Guinness) and Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), who were both waiting for the group. Boney 10: "Greetings youngsters, we've been expecting you." Obi-Wan: "We have?" Boney 10: "Well of course, if you even bothered to look at the script of this story." Obi-Wan: "Oh right... my bad." Luke: "So your real name is Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Obi-Wan: "That's right." Tommy: "But you didn't changed your last name?" Obi-Wan: "Uh..." Boney 10: "I told ya to change the last name too." Melody: "But your didn't changed at all." Boney 10: "Um... enough about us, let's what message this R2 unit has for us." said Boney 10, before R2-D2 shows the group the message that Princess Leia and Gidget left for them, and Tommy couldn't help but blush by the sight of the pink cat girl as he thought she was prettiest girl he'd ever seen. Tommy: "Wow... she's beautiful..." Melody: "What?" Tommy: "Nothing!" Luke: "So... you two are gonna rescue them?" Boney 10: "I'm afraid we much too old for that kind of action... which is why we're gonna train you in the ways of the Force." Tommy: "That magic trick that makes things float when you wave your hands around?" Obi-Wan: "Well... something like that..." Melody: "But how are we gonna get to the Princesses?" Boney 10: "Simple... what we need is a spaceship, and there is a town where there are some good pilots hanging out." said Boney 10, before he and the others went off to planet's nearest town. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the desert, a lot of Storm Troopers were holding large hair combs and were combing the sands, and with them was the Demon Trio. ThunderSmacker: "Uh... ScreamClaw?, are you sure we're not being too literal?" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what ThunderSmacker said..." ScreamClaw: "No of course not, we're following Vader's orders, we were told to comb the desert to find the droids, so we're combing it." that was when Darth Vader came to the scene and slapped the trio across their faces. Darth Vader: "You idiots!, this is not what I meant!, when I said comb the desert, I meant search the desert to find the droids!" ScreamClaw: "Well then... you could have just said that..." Darth Vader: "Just find the droids!" Demon Trio: "Yes sir!" gasped the Demon trio, before they flew off to find the two droids, not wanting to face the wrath of the Sith lord. Back with Luke's group, they arrived to a town, and found a bar that does not serve droids, and it wasn't long before they find a man named Han Solo (voiced by Harrison Ford) and his Wookiee friend named Chewbacca (voiced by John Candy), along with two Toon Hyena boys named Jokey (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke) and Jokeo (voiced by Tom Kenny), talking to what looked like a large living blob of pizza named Pizza the Hutt (voiced by Dom DeLuise), who was talking to the group about money. Pizza the Hutt: "Listen here boys... where's my money?" Han Solo: "Don't worry Pizza, you'll get your money by next week." Pizza the Hutt: "No, I gotta have it by tomorrow." Chewbacca: "What?!" Jokey: "10,000 space credits by tomorrow?!" Pizza the Hutt: "No, you've forgotten late charges, so that makes it 15,000 space credits." Jokeo: "15,000?!, but that's not fair!" Pizza the Hutt: "Maybe not for you, but it is for me, and you're all gonna pay it or else." Chewbacca: "Or else... what?" Pizza the Hutt: "Or else this Pizza is gonna send out for you." Jokey: "Huh?" Pizza: "I will send my men to turn you lot into my next meal, and I love to eat..." Jokey: "Me too... and I would love to have a taste of ya." Pizza the Hutt: "Hey!, I'm not food!... well okay maybe I am... but you get the idea." said Pizza, before he leaves the scene, leaving Han and his group alone in the bar, and they were very worried. Han Solo: "Oh man... what are we gonna do?" Chewbacca: "No idea... we're doomed, aren't we?" Jokey: "Why can't we just eat Pizza?" Jokeo: "Yeah, he looks really tasty." Han Solo: "You're not seriously thinking eating that blob... are ya?" Jokey: "Why not?, he's made of pizza." Chewbacca: "I prefer not to eat food that talks back." Jokeo: "Oh... good point..." that was when Luke and his came over to them. Tommy: "Excuse us, but uh, we're looking for a pilot that can take us to a planet called Alderaan, we have something that needs to get there fast." Han Solo: "Well I might get you there... for a price." Boney 10: "How about... 17,000 space credits?" Jokey: "Really?!, that's more than enough money for..." Melody: "Your pizza guy?" Jokeo: "how did you..." Luke: "We kinda herd your chat with him." Chewbacca: "Oh... that makes sense." Tommy: "Hey wait a minute... you're not supposed to talk!" Chewbacca: "Yeah well this is a Fanfiction, and this isn't canon to the original, so let's not complain." Melody: "He makes a good point." Tommy: "Okay... let's just get to a ship and get out of here." said Tommy, before he and the others went to an area where Han Solo's ship was located, and the Demon trio were at the area. ScreamClaw: "Come on your guys, if we don't find those droids, Vader will use the neck choking thing on us." ThunderSmacker: "And that will not end well for us..." SpaceWarp: "S-s-say guys... aren't those the d-d-droids that were in the rebellion ship?" asked SpaceWarp, pointing at both R2-D2 and C-3Po, who were both going up the ship. ScreamClaw: "Hey that's them!, stop that ship!" shouted ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons begin attacking. Han Solo: "Chewy!, get us out of here!" Chewbacca: "You got it, boss!" called out Chewbacca, before the ship flies off into space in hopes to get away from the Demon dragons, who went back into the Star Destroyer, which chases the ship until Solo's ship went to light speed. ThunderSmacker: "They got away!" ScreamClaw: "Not on my watch!, set the ship to Ludicrous speed!" said ScreamClaw, which made everyone gasp in shock. SpaceWarp: "W-w-what?!, ludicrous speed?!" ThunderSmacker: "But we've never gone that fast before!, the ship can't take it!" ScreamClaw: "Just do it!" ordered ScreamClaw, before they set the Star Destroyer to Ludicrous speed, which made it go so fast that they've gone to plaid, and everyone who didn't had seat belts were hanging on for dear life. As for the crew in Han Solo's ship, the Star destroyer flew passed them. Jokey: "Whoa!" Jokeo: "You can say that again..." Tommy: "What happened?" Melody: "Did something big passed us?" C-Po: "Impossible, we're in light speed." Chewbacca: "Yeah... so what the heck was that?" Han Solo: "I think that was the Star Destroyer..." Luke: "They've gone to plaid..." Obi-Wan: "So it would seemed.." meanwhile, back in the Star Destroyer. ScreamClaw: "We've passed them!, stop this thing!" SpaceWarp: "W-w-we can't stop!" ThunderSmacker: "He's right on this one, it's too dangerous!, we got to slow down first!" ScreamClaw: "Balderdash!, just stop this thing!, I order you!, stop!!!" ordered ScreamClaw, before ThunderSmacker pulls the emergency brake to stop the ship, which caused ScreamClaw to be sent flying and crashed into the front of the ship. SpaceWarp: "Uh... ScreamClaw?, are y-y-you okay?" ScreamClaw: "Oh... my head..." ThunderSmacker: "He's fine..." that was when Darth Vader came and he was not happy. Darth Vader: "Who's idea was it to use Ludicrous speed?!" asked Vader, before SpaceWarp and ThunderSmacker point at ScreamClaw, who was getting back on his feet when Vader bopped him on the head. ScreamClaw: "Ow..." meanwhile, while on the way to Alderaan, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boney 10 were teaching Luke, Tommy and Melody the ways of the Jedi, like how to use a light saber or how to use the force to move things and stuff like that. Melody: "Boy... these light sabers sure are cool... but uh... why is Tommy's light saber uh... rainbow?" asked Melody, as Tommy's light saber was indeed the color of a rainbow instead of the normal blue or green. Luke: "Yeah... I thought Jedi light sabers were either blue or green, while the Sith have red light sabers." Boney 10: "Well there was one Jedi who had a purple light saber, but never mind that, the reason Tommy's light saber is rainbow is because the crystal that Tommy chose represents it... a soul with a lot of colors... that and the writer wanted a unique light saber for the boy." Obi-Wan: "Now then... don't trust your eyes... use your instincts." Tommy: "Got it." said Tommy, before he, Melody and Luke continued their training. Meanwhile, at the Star Destroyer, Darth Vader and the Demon trio were searching for the group of heroes, when ThunderSmacker got an idea. ThunderSmacker: "Here, this VHS of Space Wars should tell us where those little rebels went." Darth Vader: "What?" ScreamClaw: "How could there be a VHS of Space Wars?, we're still in the middle of making it." ThunderSmacker: "Have you seen Space Balls?, well this is how we got the VHS of this story." said ThunderSmacker, before he plays the tape, and then sets it to fast forward to the part where ScreamClaw sees himself getting sent flying into the ship after the ship stopped. ScreamClaw: "Pass this part!, in fact never play this again!" SpaceWarp: "Are w-w-we there yet?" ThunderSmacker: "Almost... there!" said ThunderSmacker, before he and the others see themselves looking at the screen and then turned around to see that the screen was showing them doing what they were doing. ScreamClaw: "What the heck am I looking at?, when does this happen in the story?" ThunderSmacker: "We're at the present." said ThunderSmacker, before they see Han Solo's ship heading for Alderaan. Darth Vader: "So... they're on their way to Alderaan... in that case... set the Death Star to blow the planet up." ThunderSmacker: "Uh... isn't that a little extreme?" Darth Vader: "We must make an example to the galaxy that we're not beings you should take lightly." ScreamClaw: "Oh boy..." meanwhile, at the planet Alderaan, the Death Star arrives, and it fires a beam that blows up the entire planet, and inside a prison cell of the station, Leia and Gidget couldn't help but gasp in shock and horror by the terrible sight of their world destroyed before their very eyes. Soon, Solo's ship arrives to it's destination, but there was no sign of the planet. Han Solo: "What in the world?... what happened to Alderaan?" Boney 10: "I have an idea... for Obi-Wan and I sensed a disturbance in the Force... that so many lives of the planet of Alderaan have screamed before stopped in silence..." Obi-Wan: "It would seemed that the planet has been destroyed..." Jokeo: "What?!" Jokey: "The whole planet... destroyed?!" Melody: "No... that can't be..." Tommy: "But how could that be?" Chewbacca: "Hey... I don't remember Alderaan having a moon like that..." said Chewbacca, looking at the Death Star. Obi-Wan: "That's no moon... it's a space station..." Han Solo: "It's way too big to be a space station..." said Solo, before R2-D2 (voiced by Frank Welker) spoke. R2-D2: "Beep Beep!, that's the Death Star!, the station that the plans I'm carrying are about!, beep, beep!" Tommy: "I didn't knew R2-D2 could talk." C-3Po: "Nor did I..." R2-D2: "Beep Beep!, I normally don't, but I can in this story, beep, beep." Melody: "Um... we're heading right towards that station..." Han Solo: "Oh no... we've been caught in a tractor beam!, we're being pulled in!" Tommy: "What do we do?" Chewbacca: "Should we fight?" Boney 10: "There are alternative ways to fight..." said Boney 10, before the ships lands inside the station, where a lot of Storm Troopers went into the ship, only to get the pulp beaten out of them by the heroes, and then took the Storm Trooper uniforms to disguise themselves. Luke: "Um... do you really think they're gonna believe Tommy, Melody, Jokey and Jokeo are Storm Troopers?" asked Luke, as he looks at the kids that were in Storm Trooper uniforms. Han Solo: "I'm more curious on how they got the uniforms at their size...?" Boney 10: "You wanna shut down the tractor beam or ask about the logic of this story?" asked Boney 10, before he and the others went to look for the tractor beam system, which they managed to find. Obi-Wan: "Alright... now we just need to jam it." Jokey: "On it." said Jokey, before he throws a jar of jam onto the system, which gets it covered in raspberry jam that caused it to stop working. Boney 10: "I don't think that's what he meant... but I guess that works." Jokeo: "Hey... where's Tommy, Melody, and Luke?" asked Jokeo, as he and the others noticed that Tommy, Melody, and Luke were not with them at the moment. Turns out that they went the wrong way and now were trying to find the others, when they heard the sound of someone crying that was coming from behind a prison door. When the trio opened the door, they see Princess Leia and Gidget, who were surprised to see a trio of Storm Troopers that seemed to be shorter than the average ones. Gidget: "What in..." Leia: "Aren't you three a little short for Storm Troopers?" Luke: "What?, oh the uniforms... [removing the helmet] hi, I'm Luke Skywalker." Tommy: "I'm Tommy." Melody: "And I'm Melody, it's nice to meet you." Tommy: "Hey you're the princesses we saw on R2's message!" Gidget: "You know R2?" Tommy: "Yeah, he's with us, along with C-3Po, Chewbacca, Han Solo, Jokey, Jokeo, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boney 10." Leia: "Obi-Wan and Boney 10?!, they're here?!" Luke: "Yeah, come with us." said Luke, before he and the others make a run for it, trying to find the others. Of course trouble brewed when they ran into the Demon trio. Tommy: "Uh oh..." ScreamClaw: "Intruders!, grab them!" Melody: "Run!" cried out Melody, before she and the others make a run for it, trying to escape from the evil demon trio. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boney 10 see Darth Vader in front of them, and the Sith brings out his light saber. Darth Vader: "Obi-Wan Kenobi... and Boney 10... you shouldn't have come back..." Boney 10: "Well we have to... for we need to train the next generation of Jedi... and it's not like we any other roles in this story." Darth Vader: "Well this is where your story ends." Obi-Wan: "You can't win Darth... if you strike us down, we shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." said Obi-Wan Kenobi, before he and Boney 10 went to do a Light Saber duel with Darth Vader, who had no trouble on fighting both of them. Back with Han Solo and his group, they were fighting a lot of Storm Troopers, and it turns out that Jokey and Jokeo can turn into a mammoth and giraffe that breathe ice or fire, which did a number on the troopers. Soon, Solo's group and Luke's group got reunited, along with the two droids, before seeing Boney 10 and Obi-Wan dueling with Vader, who strikes them down. Luke: "No!" Tommy: "Boney 10!, Obi-Wan!" cried out Tommy, before he pulls out his light saber and tries to defeat Darth Vader to avenger his mentors. But much to everyone's surprise, Obi-Wan and Boney 10 were not only okay, but they were having some doughnuts and reading a newspaper. Boney 10: "Nice swing kid, but don't let your anger get the better of you, for that is a path to the dark side of the force." Tommy: "Huh?, I thought you two just died?" Boney 10: "Nah, I'm a demon, we can't die, and in this version of Star Wars, or Space Wars in this case, we're all Toons in a way." Obi-Wan: "Now let's get out of here." Gidget: "No kidding... the rebels are here and if we don't stop the Death Star soon... they're all doomed..." said Gidget, as she can see a lot of rebel ships flying around the Death Star, trying to destroy it along with the little ships of the Empire. C-3Po: "R2-D2, you had the plans this whole time, tell me you know how to stop this terrible station." R2-D2: "Beep Beep!, there is a self-Destruct button in the center of the center, push it and the whole place blows up!, beep beep!" Darth Vader: "What?!, what idiot designed that?!" asked Vader, before the troopers pointed at the Demon trio, who had nervous smiles on their faces. ScreamClaw: "Uh... oops..." Thunder: "Our bad..." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." Darth Vader: "Ah!, why did I hired you idiots in the first place?!" ScreamClaw: "Because the writer wanted us to have a role in this story and..." Darth Vader: "Shut up!" Gidget: "Well in that case..." said Gidget, before she uses her psychic powers to teleport herself into the center of the station, and pushed the self-Destruct button, setting the Death Star to self-Destruct in 1 minute. Melody: "Um... should we go now?" Tommy: "Yeah, we really should get out of here..." Han Solo: "Head for my ship!" called out Han Solo, before he and the others ran off to Solo's ship, and flew away from the scene. Darth Vader: "This is not over!, I will return for the sequel, and then..." ScreamClaw: "Actually, the writer's not planning a sequel for this." ThunderSmacker: "This is only a single chapter story..." SpaceWarp: "Yeah... what they said..." Darth Vader: "No!!!" shouted Vader, before the Death Star blew up into a million pieces, while the rebels cheered for their victory over the Empire. Soon, the rebels went to a planet where they give Luke, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Tommy, Jokey, Jokeo, and Melody some medals for their bravery and heroism, and it wasn't long before they started to chat with the other rebels. Jokey and Jokeo managed to have a chat with two rabbit girls named Flopsy and Mopsy, who seemed to be taken a liking to the pair, while Melody has taken a liking to a young kangaroo named Roo, who was around her age, but has already proven to be a great pilot on a little ship. As for Tommy, he and Gidget have taken a real liking to each other, as proven when Gidget gives the fox boy a kiss on the cheek, which made him blush a little. Boney 10: "Ah... I do love a happy ending..." Obi-Wan: "Do you think we should tell Luke that Princess Leia is his sister was Vader was his father?" Boney 10: "Nah, this isn't canon to the original Star Wars story, so there's no need, besides that would be something for a sequel, and this is only a single chapter story." Obi-Wan: "Ah... good point..." that was when some music started to play as a rock band started playing the song 'Rebel let's go' from Phineas & Ferb Star Wars, and it wasn't long before everyone started to dance to the music. All: "♪Rebel let's go!, rebel let's go!, rebel let's go!♫" once the song was over, Pizza the Hutt came, demanding the party to be over as he still wants his money from Solo. But then Darth Vader and the Demon trio fell from the sky and crashed right on top of Pizza, flatten him enough to be a normal pizza. ScreamClaw: "Ow... my head..." ThunderSmacker: "Lucky for us we landed on this..." SpaceWarp: "P-p-pizza?" ScreamClaw: "Oh goody, am I hungry." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons started eating the pizza, while Darth Vader just growled in annoyance. Jokeo: "I don't believe it..." Jokeo: "I know... I was gonna eat Pizza..." Gidget: "Seriously?" Melody: "Oh my..." Tommy: "Well... one thing's for sure, making this version of Star Wars rather silly was a 'Pizza' cake." said Tommy, which made everyone laugh as they got the joke that the little fox boy made, and that's where this story comes to a close.

Well there you have it folks, my version of a combination of Star Wars & Spaceballs, I hope you all liked it, and I hope that you'll all enjoy my other stories too... May the force be with you... BYE!


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