Perfect shot

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I love ado


Karasu remained confused as Barou continued to talk to y/n. Well, he was trying to talk to her. The girl had decided that Barou had nothing worthwhile to say to her, and was currently holding her hands to her ears and staring straight ahead at the game. Her ex might as well have been thin air, given how obviously she was ignoring him.

The situation had been like this for 20 minutes, with the basketball game progressing into the last minute of the fourth quarter. Kaiser had long given up on trying to get y/n's attention and now threw a dirty look at Barou every few seconds, being the petty man that he is. 

The Benzaitens, the opposition team, were currently in a 2 point lead and were maintaining possession of the ball, most likely comfortable with their chances of winning. One of Eita's opponents managed to grab the ball out of the hands of a Benzaiten player just as the timer hit 30 seconds. Cheers erupted from around the stadium where all the Raijin fans were seated, and y/n jumped up excitedly, grabbing onto Karasu's arm and pulling him up with her.

She grasped onto Karasu's hand tightly in anticipation, and he enjoyed feeling her warm palm in his. He intertwined their fingers as y/n gripped onto him tightly, her eyes focused on the game. Karasu didn't care that much about the game. He was too immersed in staring at y/n, entranced. Although plenty of questions about Barou still whirled around in his head, he pushed them all away, and his head became clear and organised, filled only with thoughts of y/n.

The teammate quickly passed to Eita, who dashed towards the hoop and jumped up to dunk the ball in. Just as the ball left his hands, the Benzaiten point guard's body slammed into Eita's, and he was thrown to the floor. The ball hit the hoop off-balance, and circled around the rim of the hoop, refusing to go in. Y/n watched with abated breath, as, finally, the ball tipped in.

The score was now 134-134, with 5 seconds left.

Loudly, the shrill sound of a whistle travelled through the air as Eita was awarded a free throw. The crowd screamed again, especially y/n, who shouted at the top of her lungs.


Eita seemed to have heard her words, as he shouted back at her.


The teammates who surrounded Eita seemed slightly concerned and extremely surprised by his response, given that he was known to never pass up the opportunity to kiss a pretty girl.

The official who had awarded Eita a free throw tapped him lightly on the shoulder, gesturing for him to take the shot. Eita readied himself, and planted his feet into the ground, exhaling slowly to get rid of the nerves. He concentrated on the hoop, staring intensely at it for a few moments. In one fluid motion he outstretched his arms and jumped up, pushing the ball up in a high arc, before it began its descent. It fell in a straight, downwards trajectory. Perfectly, through the hoop.

Another round of screaming and shouting echoed through the stadium, and y/n jumped up and down gleefully, clapping her hands despite one being occupied with holding onto Karasu. The boy snapped out of his thoughts and also quickly started cheering, enjoying the look of happiness on y/n's face. 

He would definitely get her to go to his next ice hockey match. Karasu knew that if he had y/n cheering for her, he would win, no matter the odds. And if he lost, he would dig a hole and die of embarrassment in it. 

"HAH!" Y/n shouted, whirling around to point her finger at Kaiser. "TAKE THAT, YOU BITCH. YOUR TEAM'S NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF OVERGROWN SNOTBABIES." 

"I haven't even said anything yet," Kaiser sighed. "Always so eager to make conversation with me, huh?" 

"And you were always so eager to make babies with my aunt." Y/n snapped back.

 The good mood she had just been in was quickly dissipating with every second she spent talking to the blonde man. 

"So shut the fuck up, you inbred shank." She turned to Barou as well, jabbing her finger in his face. "You also need to shut the fuck up. You know what, the two of you should make an 'I fumbled a hottie and can't get over her so i guess i'll just harrass her' club. Ness can be the pet dog you have shared custody over."

At this point, Karasu decided it would be a good time to just get y/n away from the two men before she provoked them to the point where they would lose their temper. He gently touched the small of her back, urging her to start walking down to where Eita was on the court. Y/n jolted in surprise when she felt his hand, but nevertheless complied, holding her middle finger high for the three guys to see as she sauntered off proudly.

As Karasu followed her, he suppressed the laugh that threatened to bubble up in his throat after seeing the dumbfounded look on both Barou and Kaiser's face, while Ness glared daggers at the back of y/n's head. Just to add fire to the flame, Karasu gave them a wink, before placing an arm around y/n's shoulder.

"When did you get so clingy?" Y/n hummed at him. 

"Just making sure your exes know what they've lost." He smirked back.

The girl laughed.

"What are you, my boyfriend?" 



the basketball chapters were lowkey hard to write

hope you had fun reading!!

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