p r o l o g u e

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"Why are you making me do this, Macey?" I complain as she drags me to the looming house in front of me, containing the raging party within.

"Because, you need to have fun." she replies.

"But I was having fun. I was studying for semester finals."

"Yeah, I know. But that isn't fun."

"Well, getting drunk and sleeping around with random guys isn't fun either." I counter, hoping she'll just let me go back to my books.

"Hey, I don't sleep with random guys!" she argues. "I sleep only with guys I know!"

"And when you're drunk, you know everyone." I say, laughing.

"Oh, shut up. Now you are going to go in there and have fun, whether you like it or not."

"Ugh, fine." I huff.

She opens the door, dragging me quickly into the kitchen and pouring me a shot.

"Bottoms up, best friend." she says, handing it to me. We link our arms together, and down a shot. We each take two more, and go out onto the dance floor. She goes off by herself, quickly finding a guy to dance with. I awkwardly dance amongst a group of our friends, until a feel someone come up behind me. I turn around to see a guy, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He smiles at me, and I smile up at him.

"Hey, you wanna dance?" he asks.

"Sure." I say, nodding. He takes my hand and carefully drag me away from my friends. We dance for a while, until he takes my hand. By this time, I've had countless more shots and drinks, so I'm pretty drunk.

"You wanna go upstairs?" he asks, whispering into my ear.

"Sure." I slur, following him willingly as we head upstairs. Once we find an empty room, he closes the door behind him, locking it.

Baby Johnson (jack johnson)Where stories live. Discover now