Serenade Of Souls

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In the realm where two souls intertwine,

A serenade of friendship, pure and divine.

A tale of a bond, both gentle and bold,

Between a lass and lad, a story to be told.

He, a beacon of strength, sturdy and tall,

She, a melody of grace, answering the heart's call.

In the dance of life, they sway and twirl,

In the serenade of souls, their friendship unfurls.

His laughter, a fortress in her times of sorrow,

Her smile, a balm for his worries of tomorrow.

In the symphony of life, their notes blend,

Creating a melody, on which they depend.

Under the moon's soft glow, secrets they share,

In the sun's warm embrace, burdens they bear.

Their friendship, a sonnet, beautifully composed,

In the serenade of souls, their hearts disclosed.

So here's to their bond, may it forever last,

A beacon of light, undimmed by the past.

In the serenade of souls, their friendship shines,

A testament of love, as destiny intertwines.

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