chapter 4 mountain brawl

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*peick pov*

so this is Mount Natagumo

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so this is Mount Natagumo. doesn't look like much

(y/n)" ok. so plan?"

annie" we fine the demon slayers hide out. steel some blades,food,water and medicine then we leave. simple"

on paper it seems simple

annie" should only take an hour to reach the top"

peick" for you. im on crutches it would take 2 hours for me"

annie" sounds like a you problem"

peick" (y/n). could you give us a moment"

(y/n)" fine"

(y/n) walked of as I slowly moved my had to my pistol

annie" so. what?"

peick" I know what your trying to do"

annie" what are you on about?"

peick" your trying to get alone time so you can flirt with him"

annie" im not"

peick" then why did you take so long to answer"

annie then put her blade against her throat

annie" dont test me. ill crush then eat you"

I chucked

peick" you think I'm afraid of you"

annie" your on crutches"

peick" and your 5 foot. historia was 4 foot 9. your only slightly taller then her"

annie" im stronger then you"

peick" you can only stay in titan form for a day at most"

annie" at least my legs work"

peick" my legs do work. your imbarasing yourself"

(y/n)" girls i don't wanna rush this but we're losing daylight"

both of us just looked at echother

annie and peick" to be contacted"

both of us started following him up the mountain







peick" ok now what. its night"

annie" are we still going to our correct location?"

peick" yes?"

annie" exactly. just keep walking"

(y/n)" bit harsh but- GET DOWN"

(y/n) tackled both of us to the ground. letting me have a feel of his 8 pack

titan uprising ( male reader x demon slayer & aot heram)Where stories live. Discover now