Jake: trying the diapers

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As I approached my front door, I pulled my keys out, opened it and went inside. After making sure I locked it, I ran up to my bedroom where I ripped the pack of diapers open and pulled one out.

It was so soft in my hands and looked so mych better than the boy's one so I immediately pulled off my trousers and underwear and slid it on. It was incredibly comfy and hugged every part of my waist in a nice inviting way.

I had been holding my pee all day so I could use the drynite the second I got it. I released immediately and felt a stream of urine fill the front and spread to the back causing it to be warm and squishy to the touch. I decided to keep it on as I didn't want to use too many diapers and it felt nice. I went downstairs, made some dinner and then sat on my bed where I watched YouTube.


At this point, I had been wearing my drynite for about 2 hours so it started to get clammy. I decided it was time for a change. Literally.

I layed down on my bed and removed my wet drynite. I then pulled out a clean one with a different pattern and put that on with some trousers over the top. I then walked outside and put my wet drynite in the bin and went in to make some tea and watch Disney+


I was relaxing while reading a book when I heard my phone go off.
"Hi Jake!" Said my mom
"Oh hi mom" I responded
"I'm just calling to tell you some bad news" said my mom
"What happened?" I asked slightly worried.
"The bus broke down literally in the middle of nowhere so we have to wait about an hour for someone to come and fix it" she said.
"Oh that sucks" I answered back "what time do you think you'll get home by?"
"I rang Emma and she said that we can all stay at her house for the night because it's closer. Are you alright with staying over night on your own?" She asked.
"Of course I am mom. I'm 15 not 5."
"Alright then we'll be around tomorrow at about 11am so make sure that you're awake.
"We don't want to wait outside the house all day because mom can't find her keys!" Shouted Brayden.
"Ok good night see u tomorrow" I said
"Goodnight see you tomorrow" my family said back. "Love you byeeee"

I can't believe it. I can sleep in a drynite over night. Tonight is gonna be so fun. I hope I wet myself while I sleep.

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