Chapter 14 | Tiramisu

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"Good morning, love."

Mary felt Alexander's naked torso under her head and his hand moving on her back.

"Good morning, baby" the girl opened her eyes and smiled when she saw her boyfriend. He reached for something and handed her a plate with a piece of tiramisu. Her mouth slightly opened. She sat down and took the plate.

"Enjoy" he smiled.

"Thank you" Mary took a bite and closed her eyes. "It's awesome!"

"I'm glad" he kissed her cheek. "You deserve all the best things."

She blushed and ate her cake quickly. Alexander was playing with her hair the entire time. Oh, how he loved them!

"What's your favorite food?" He asked.

"Well" the girl thought about her answer. "I think it's chicken with curry."

Suddenly the girl's phone rang and One Direction's "Perfect" started playing. The screen displayed a photo of a brown-haired girl saved as "Stella⭐".

"Sorry, it's my cousin" she grabbed it and answered. "Hi girl! What's up?"

"Hi hun! Are you busy?"

"No" Mary looked at Alexander who just got up and started to put on some fresh clothes. "I'm with my boyfriend."

She could see his expression change from happy to suprised and then back to happy. It was heartwarming.

"Oh" she heard her cousin's shocked voice. "Well, I'm in Cambridge right now, so I thought you can catch a bus and come to hang out with me."

Mary looked at Aleksander again. He was putting on a dark brown hoodie with a zipper.

"Can you check the buses really quickly?" she said after a second. The man turned his head towards her, not sure what she meant by that.

"I already did!" Stella said, noticeably proud of herself. "You have one at 14.45. Would that be okay?"

"No way" Alexander interrupted. "I'll pick you up from school and give you a ride. Don't worry about that."

Mary was suprised.

"I heard everything, pumpkin" he smiled.

She smiled back and told Stella not to worry about buses. Her cousin was as surprised as her, but excited to meet Mary's boyfriend.


When Stella saw her cousin getting out of the black Audi she immediately ran towards her. They hugged each other tight and their faces lightened up from happiness.

"Okay" Mary stopped the hug. "I want to introduce you to my boyfriend!"

The older girl looked at Alexander who got out of the car and was now staring at them with a grin. He walked up to them and stood next to Mary.

"Hi" he smiled. "I'm Alexander."

"I'm Stella" the brown-haired girl smiled back. "I thought you were younger."

The man frowned.

"Really?" He crossed his arms on his chest and giggled. "How many years would you give me?"

"I dunno" Stella looked at him carefully. "Maybe 55?"

Alexander took a deep breath.

"Wrong. I'm 49" The older girl's eyes widened when he said that. "I was a teacher."

"A teacher?" She smiled. "What were you teaching?"

Casmid happily answered:

"English. I also taught literature in college."

Stella looked at Mary with excitement and winked. The younger girl smiled and looked at Alexander. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek.


"Alex" the girl whispered to the man. "Are you asleep?"

The bed moved behind her and she felt his body on hers.

"No, pumpkin" he kissed her cheek. "I have a hard time sleeping tonight."

"Me too" she turned around and hugged her boyfriend tight.

"Do you want some milk?"

She shook her head and wrapped her legs around his.

"Oh pumpkin" he kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too" she yawned. "Sorry. I'm exhausted."

Alexander got up and opened the bedroom door.

"I'll bring you some sleep medication."

Mary turned to another side and tried to sleep. Unfortunately with poor results. When she heard the man's footsteps she turned back around. He handed her a pill and a glass of water.

"Thanks" she yawned again and took the pill.

"You won't even ask what pill is that?" He giggled.

Mary put the glass away from her mouth.

"It was a sleep medication. Right?"

"I'm just kidding" he laid down in bed with a smile. "I never poison people I love."

"You poison people?!" She laid down next to him.

"I don't" he hugged her tight.

"Thanks God" she yawned and hugged him back. After a few seconds her muscles relaxed and she fell into a deep sleep.

"I love you pumpkin" he whispered and kissed her head. "I can't lose you."


Hi! Just like I said, I'll publish Chapter 15 tomorrow as a little bonus. Chapter 16 will be published normally on Sunday. Love yall!

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