Chapter 15 | Iron curtain

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Mary tried to visit the hospital as often as she could. Seeing her lovely grandmother in a coma was breaking her heart, but it gave her a feeling of stability because she wasn't getting better or worse. It helped a lot, even though her life was already getting more and more stable. Alexander was an amazing partner. He took care of her because her mother was nowhere to be found for a few days now. They were happy. Their personalities worked well together, she was relaxed with him and he taught her some cooking recipes. Casmid was a sweet man and a definition of safety and comfort. What could be better than that?

"Doctor!" a nurse screamed outside the room. The girl got curious and looked outside. A doctor and three nurses ran towards a room. She knew who was lying there. Jackson! Mary quickly followed the hospital's staff. Her heart was racing. What if something bad happened? She was Alexander's girlfriend, but remember that she could be with Jackson if he wasn't fighting for his life. She sat down and waited for the doctor to come out and tell her anything. After what seemed like forever someone finally left.

"Doctor" she got up. "How's Jackson? Will he be fine?"

The man sighed and put his hand on her shoulders.

"He woke up" his words made Mary's legs shake.

"Can I see him?!" She jumped.

"I don't see anything against a visit. But be gentle. He's still weak."

The girl went inside and immediately started to cry. Jackson was awake and looking straight at her with a smile.

"Hi sunshine" he giggled.

"Oh my gosh" she sat down next to his bed. "Are you okay? How do you feel?"

The boy grabbed her hand.

"I'm good" he said. "Just a little dizzy. But your presence helps a lot."

She blushed, but slowly took her hand back.

"I'm glad you're alive."

Mary taking her hand back wasn't bothering Jackson. He put his hand on her knee and asked:

"What has been going on recently?" His smile disappeared. "Have you been seeing professor Casmid all this time? Did he try to hurt you?"

The girl suddenly felt a cold thing on her neck. It was a necklace with a key she got from her boyfriend.

"Alex is not a threat" she felt uncomfortable with the boy touching her.

"Alex?" Jackson frowned. "Is there something I don't know about?"

"For sure" she realized her mistake and tried changing topics. "My mom actually disappeared recently without a..."

"Since when do you call him pet names?" The boy was stubborn. She couldn't win so she sighed and whispered:

"Since he's my boyfriend..."

The air got heavy. A second seemed like forever. She had never seen Jackson so shocked. He looked away from her and took his hand from her knee.

"Leave a girl alone and she'll find another boyfriend..."

"We never dated" she interrupted. "And Alex is a sweet man, he loves me, and..."

"He tortured me in the woods and killed Amelia!" He screamed. "Alexander Casmid is the person who dragged me into the woods, scratched and bit me multiple times! He did this to me! And now you're telling me we never dated after all the things we've been through and let him screw you! You're just a little, sick whore Mary Reynolds! You just signed a contract to be his next dinner!"

What? Why would he say it? What's wrong with being happy? Or maybe she really was a whore after all? Mary could feel her heart shattering into a million pieces.

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