Don't Ask, Don't Tell

15 0 0

August 21. 3:05pm.

It gets to the point where my burning lungs won't let me go any further. I slow down and stop, gasping for more and more air. My eyes are still watering- no Y/N, you're still crying. It doesn't help at all with trying to catch my breath. It sounds like I'm hyperventilating.

I breathe heavily as I look around, trying so desperately to take in my surroundings. But, with the state I'm in, I could've been here a thousand times before and still wouldn't be able to figure out where I am. It's as if my vision has gotten ten times worse; I can't make out anything, no shapes of houses or other buildings, not even the shapes of what I'm sure are trees.

I push forward and find it so difficult to walk, I trip after a few seconds. My face hits what I expected to be concrete, but instead leaves. So. Many. Leaves. When did I get back in the forest? I jolt back up, grabbing at the dirt underneath me. I look around and it's not all blurry anymore.

All around me are trees, tall and thin, but some are thicker. I get up and turn around to find the only building out here it seems. An abandoned house? I seem to find my footing and walk up to where the front door used to be. I hesitate. What am I even doing? It's as if something is luring me to this place, but I don't know what.

Snap. I spin on my feet quickly, my eyes flitting around at the trees, only to find nothing. I don't trust that for a second. I guess I'm going inside then. My shoes step on broken glass and twigs as I walk inside the small place. It doesn't really look like a house, more like a shack. It doesn't have a bathroom or even any bedrooms. All it has is a bunch of broken and worn down furniture that a gun?

I shake my head, bend down at the knees, and examine it closer. Well, it definitely is a gun. I wonder if it's loaded. Wait, Y/N, you should be wondering why it's even here or, more importantly, who it belongs to. I stand up straight. Where the hell am I? And who left this here? Crack. I swiftly turn my head, and, this time, catch a glimpse of a dark figure. "Who the hell are you?" I ask. My voice comes out less shaky than I expected. Not only does my throat burn from all the running and heavy breathing, but I'm also scared shitless.

"Who are you and where the fuck did you take me?" I speak louder this time, but no answer. I followed in the direction I saw the figure sneak from, and step out of the building. Whoever it was, it seems like I gave them enough time to leave. Dammit. Suddenly, the hair on my arms stood on end. I cross them together, but that doesn't help. There's an ear-splitting sound that fills my ears and, helplessly, I gaze around everywhere for the source but all there is are trees. Wait, was the building gone? That question gets thrown out of my head as the sound gets worse.

"Fuck!" I groan out in pain as it gets louder, and I clutch my ears. What the fuck is going on? Where am I? Why am I here? What is that sound? I try so hard to keep standing, but that becomes impossible. My knees buckle and I drop to the ground. "Ugh!" I can feel the tears stinging at my eyes as the sound gets even louder. I blink rapidly, not wanting to shut them. In the short time that I manage that, I make out a figure standing across from me in the small clearing. But it doesn't look right. Too tall, far too thin. Am I seeing this correctly or am I going nuts?

My heart beats so loud in my ears, loud enough to be heard just above the sound. All of this crashing sound leaves a ringing in my ears. My head is spinning, my vision is spotting. I'm fainting. I don't want this to happen. Everything goes quiet, and that's the second I know it's happening. My head drops into the grass just as the tall figure gets closer.


My head is pounding when I wake up. I groan, but that makes it worse. It's so bad I can feel it in my teeth. I open my eyes only to see grass. Am I still in the forest? I sit up slowly, and wince. I feel so sore. My ears are ringing slightly. I bring my hand up to my wet nose, and wipe whatever it is off. I look down at my hand and notice it's blood on my fingers. Well, that's a nice thought. My nose was bleeding, which is confusing because it never bleeds. I sigh and ignore the headache, gazing around to get a hint at where I am.

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