[Modern AU] Odd roommate (Yoriichi x Y/N) ☁️💜🖤

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Y/N always notice your roommate Yoriichi he was always just there off to the corner probably fast asleep on the couch, but now he seems different. Y/n walk past a Lonely while opening the door to see just the same old living room, but heard soft gentle cries.

Y/N heard the cries growing more deep and desperate as they moved towards Yoriichi bedroom, slowly Y/n opened the door to see just a pile of blankets and some jagged spikes poking out of some parts. Y/N blinked quickly looking around before slamming the door rushing away,hearing a small shriek after the slam.

Y/N looked back and forth "what the fuck did I just see?!?!" Y/N grabbed her phone frantically typing"why is a pile of blankets growing spikes in my roommate bedroom" after typing that well worded question into the search zero results came up. Y/N looked into her phone before turning it off walking out of the apartment getting into their car driving off.

"It's nothing,right don't worry Y/N" Y/N looked only cars, loud cars driven by stupid people but at least a Sloth haven't decided to turn the intersection into a bed. After all the traffic, random breaks, loud screaming Y/N walked into the restaurant wearing a formal suit. Walking towards a man out of his prime wearing a stained, black t-shirt some skin showing between his shirt and pants.

"Oh hello Mr what would you like to order?" Y/N looked at the man as he yelled "Konnichiwa! I would like 2 rolls of sushi and a bowl of beef ramen and rice." Y/N looked closer at the stained shirt and an image of a young stylized girl was full front with some barely readable kanji that was the name of some anime girl.

"Well thank you Mr. I will get it as soon as possible." Y/N walked away, Y/N moved around talking from person to person each equally broke some more equally than others before messaging the chefs with all the food the many people have ordered. After all this repeatedly over and over again until afternoon came and her shift was over.

Y/N walked into the apartment to see Yoriichi just laying on the couch, when Y/N eyes looked into Yoriichi they could see how he moved further away.

Y/N eyes looked away from Yoriichi towards the kitchen where Y/N got a bag of ramen before ripping it, adding water and flavoring into the bowl she put the ramen in. Y/N shoved the ramen bowl into the microwave, moving away to the couch.

"So Yoriichi want to scroll on TikTok with me?" Y/N asked Yoriichi, looking at him as he slowly nodded. Y/N grabbed their phone opening up the app scrolling endlessly while Yoriichi silently watched from the side.

After a bit of this Yoriichi tapped Y/N shoulder gently asking "do you think you watched long enough?" Y/N looked into Yoriichi snapping back into reality "um ya I think so."Y/N looked into her phone half a hour already passed, Y/N got up moving towards the microwave the ramen was cold.

Y/N put it into the microwave for another few minutes as soon it heated back up a little crispy,Y/N welcomed the crispy artificial scent from the ramen vividly remembering the packing said "Heat up for 4 minutes" just the perfect thing to remember. Y/N still ate the ramen in the bowl despite the off flavoring it still was good enough to last them through the day.

After this that sort of went on for a few days working, eating, scrolling, etc but over the days Yoriichi seem to be just awkwardly shoved in there, like sometimes he's nowhere to be found and Y/N didn't want to shove their face anywhere near the spike and blanket pile, to see what in there.

But today, tonight was different. Yoriichi looked into their eyes to ask "sorry to ask but Y/N the blankets aren't doing it for me anymore, can you be next to me?" Y/N blink quickly before saying "well I don't have to work overtime so sure ig."

Y/N followed Yoriichi slowly as he rested down slowly wallowing himself in blankets, Yoriichi head was one of the few things visible under the blankets along side part of his leg.

Y/N eyes wandered looking from top the wall to a shelf to back to Yoriichi before noticing many spikes growing from Yoriichi each black and sharper than the last,all of them was moving some quickly some slower all sharp, jagged, and piercing from Yoriichi.

Y/N moved back placing their hand onto the door to hear a small cry from Yoriichi Y/N moved their eyes back to Yoriichi seeing him curl up under the blankets and soft drips seem to fall from his spikes.

Y/N moved closer resting their hands on Yoriichi hands, Y/N didn't feel even a drop of warmth in those frozen hands. Y/N looked at his face as they saw soft tears slowly drip out of his eyes.

Yoriichi hand was still held by Y/N's hand no matter how much Yoriichi moved slowly, no matter how much Yoriichi tears dripped down on the cold ground, no matter how spikes hanged above them dripping slowly, Y/N hand still held onto Yoriichi's hand.

Soon Yoriichi became still, the spikes stopped dripping, and the drips of tears from Yoriichi eyes became a torrent a small smile lifted across Yoriichi face along as Yoriichi cried"Thank you..."

Y/N looked downwards towards Yoriichi face before quickly upwards enveloped by a soft embraced "I can't even thank you enough." Y/N welcomed the embraced letting the frigid tears rush down their body onto the floor. Yoriichi embrace slowly lighten as Y/N moved slightly away,looking up at Yoriichi as he just stared into his hands.

Y/N walked back a bit but felt the need to interrupt the silence with "there spikes coming out of your back "Yoriichi stopped staring at his hands and looking to towards Y/N blinking rapidly before being able to reply "don't worry..They just sort of spawned one day." Y/N looked around thinking for a good minute before asking "um like when did they start to show up?"

Yoriichi sort of just looked to the side before answering "um...Like after I got laid off." Yoriichi seem to rapidly move afterwards looking around as Y/N questioned "wait you got laid off?" Yoriichi eyes wandered back to Y/N moving away a bit before saying shaking a bit "ya, you don't have to worry... It's nothing." Y/N blinked harshly and rapidly before feeling the need to say

"getting laid off usually doesn't cause you to grow spikes..." Yoriichi tried to fidget with his fingers a few drops of sweat dripped down his face slowly being able to suttered"...I mean true but.." "look Yoriichi, how do you feel?" Y/N interrupted looking at Yoriichi straight into his cold maroon eyes "abandoned."Yoriichi said looking down towards before slowly tearing up "Yoriichi there no shame with how you feel.." Y/N put a hand on Yoriichi shoulder.

Yoriichi breathed in and breathed out at last able to say "well I'm glad I had someone next to me this time." Y/N looked up towards Yoriichi saying "I'm glad I was able to.. Help you." Y/N looked up at Yoriichi as a gentle blush went over his face.

"Hey Y/N would you mind... Joining me under the blankets?" Y/N stepped back a little blushing slightly before asking "like we going to what..??" " like just snuggle up, sorry if you got the wrong impression."

Y/N blinked a bit before saying "sure.." watching Yoriichi move his large body under the blankets with only a few spikes poking out laying down on his side. Y/N moved into the blankets resting next to Yoriichi's gentle body.

Yoriichi felt like fresh snow, as Y/N moved closer to him hearing tears drip onto the ground. Y/N felt Yoriichi arm wrap around their back pulling them slightly closer to him. A warm sense of comfort and pleasure rushed over Y/N as they felt Yoriichi cold touch. They couldn't really move much but at least this feeling was good.

Y/N felt a calming rhythmic vibration pulse through their body, they looked up to notice Yoriichi's spikes vibrating calming feeling sort of like purring?

Y/N eyes slowly closed as they drifted to a peaceful sleep, right in Yoriichi arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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