Recruitment Day

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-- Few days before --

"Nee san! Nee san!"

A 13 years old girl ran toward her, holding a piece of paper. Her short pale blonde hair flowed nicely as she hops around to get her sister. Her light emerald eyes glowing as if she won lottery's jackpot.

"Hmm? What is it?"

Her pair of blue orbs took a glance at the overly excited girl. Their physical look is very different. With her long golden hair which simply loosely braided to her left shoulder, her calm yet cautious blue iris, nobody would believed that they were sisters.

"Look! There is a new guild going to open soon at Greenhills! Here!" The little girl handed the piece of paper which turned out to be a pamphlete.

'Are you adventurous enough?

Think that your power is worthy some cash?

Need a place where you could work for?

Join us in Elpis Guild! We are a newly founded merchenary guild!'

"Why are you handed me this, Hana?" Asked the golden haired girl.

"Simple enough. Lets join the guild Amber nee!"

Amber heaved a sigh. Does that kid even think before she deciding on anything? She read every details on the paper. Everyone is welcomed to join, as long as they are 13 and above and willingly to lend the guild their ability.

After thinking for a while, Amber gave her agreement.

"Lets tell father about this."

"Yay!" Hana hopping around and looking for their father. Amber slighy shooked her head watching Hana's childish reaction before she started to fill the form that attached to the pamphlete.

-- Recruitment Day --

Amber combed her hair nicely before braided it carefully that morning. She choose her favourite outfit; red jacket with a matching red short skirt, and a black shirt underneath the jacket. She is excited yet she did not want to admit it.

Hana is still sleeping at her own bedroom, tired of making a barbeque dinner as their celebration joining the new guild. Didnt want to disturb her, Amber decided to go to the guild by herself.

'Uhh... where am i again?'

She look at the map confusedly. Her house are located nearby forest upskirt, and she rarely went out to the town..

'Ouch!' Her map and stuff went flying from her hand and she fell on her knees as someone bumped into her.

"Watch where you walk will ya?" Said Amber grumpily mumbling while picking up her stuff.

"I am sorry miss. I was in hurry."

That man helped her to pick the stuff and handed it to her. With his black with red tip bed hair, he scratched his cheek.

"Do you have any injury miss?"

"No. I'm fine as you see." She took her stuff and shoved it inside her sling bag. Great. A stranger bumped into her and knocked her down. She can say her knees have a slight scratch but nevermind that. It'll healed in no time.

"Well.. see you anywhere then," the male excused himself while walking hurriedly to a certain direction.

'Man, that is rude.' Muttered her while watching him passed her.

She is then proceed to find her way to the guild. After asking some people she met, finally she saw the high tower of it. Nervously, she walked in.

The Main Hall is big. Decorated with oak wooden carving, tall ceiling with a small yet beautiful chandeliar on the middle of it. Everything is totally bizarre to her as she look at the Hall, admiring it.

"Excuse me? If you come here for sight seeing, I suggested you to come next time after we are not busy." A lazy toned voice talk to her and she turned around to find the voice owner.

A woman with black hair with some white highlight on her hair can be seen seated at the receptionist counter. With both of her legs on the counter, she is definitely looks like she disliked her job there.

"I am sorry," Amber unzipped her bag, pulling out her application form before walking to the counter. "I want to send this a.. and join this guild."

The woman took the form and read carefully every single detail on the paper.

"Only Amber?" She raised one of her eyebrows and look at Amber in curiousity. "No family name?"

Slightly Amber nods her head. "Well.. it's a long sto--"

Without any warning, the woman stamped a large 'APPROVED' word on her forehead before stamped another on the application form and keep it in a box on the table.

"Hey! Not at my face!" Using her jacket's sleeve Amber rubbed the red inked stamp on her forehead while pouting. What on earth with people today? International day of making fun at people?

"I am not interested in your long and boring background. You are accepted. Now shoo. There is more people I need to approve besides you."

"Er.. thanx. Miss..?" She stopped. What is the clerk's name again?

"Tori. Now shoo." Tori pushed her gently from the receptionist counter before calling for another applicants. "Next!"

Amber walked toward a table and sat on it. What a long and tired day for her. Suddenly someone put a cup of hot cocoa in front of her. She raised her head and saw a white haired fox-folk smiling to her.

"Is Tori making a scene again?" She chuckled.

"Pardon me?"

"There is 'APPROVED' on your face dear." She took out a wet tissue and wipe those red ink from Amber's face carefully. "There. All is gone."

"Thank you.." Amber could not give a proper reaction. This is very weird, she thought. A short tempered woman at receptionist. And now a friendly and motherly look woman is there.

"She is always like that. Hope you dont mind much," the fox-folk gesture her to drink the hot cocoa. "I hope you will like it here. We worked hard to reopen this guild you know."

We? Amber almost choked on the drink. Is she one of the Highest Board of the Guild? Slowly she gulped the drink and look at the gentle woman in confusion.

Understood Amber's look she continued. "My name is Minerva Renoir. My husband, Sigmund Renoir is one of the current Master along with Tori and Cyrus." She giggled on Amber's surprised look. "Yes my dear. The clerk that stamped you just now is one of the Master here."

Amber's jaws dropped. What a weird people she has met today. Soon after she recover from her shock, she chatted with Minerva for a while before she excuse herself to went home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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