Part : 4 Mission accomplished

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Author POV

Lan zhan stood infront of his father's seclusion room. He knocked on the door.

"Qiren?" the reply came in a voice that was sounding tired.

"It's Lan Wangji!" said Lan zhan.

"Wangji....... Why are you here?" the reply came in interrogative tone.

"Want to talk with Fuqin." replied Lan zhan.

There was silence for few moments and then someone opened the door.

"Come in!" said a man in white, Qingheng-jun.

Qingheng-jun was Lan zhan's father who secluded himself for certain reasons.

Lan zhan nodded his head and walked inside. Qingheng-jun offered him tea as they both sat down.

"You are here... any special reason?" asked Qingheng-jun, it was first time his son visited him. Not only that but Lan zhan was acting so normal, it was his first time meeting his father but he was reacting nothing special.

"Leave seclusion!" replied Lan zhan.

"Mn?" Qingheng-jun stared at Lan zhan in confusion.

"Fuqin need to get out of seclusion." said Lan zhan wearing blank expression like always.

A laughed escaped from Qingheng-jun mouth, Lan qiren told him before that his younger son wasn't expressive at all and always clear about his intentions. If you were wondering what was so funny about that then— imagine your son visited you in years and asked you to get out of Seclusion without any side talking. For him, it sounded hilarious.

"I am not leaving seclusion." said Qingheng-jun, being clear about his intentions. He was also kind of person who didn't express emotions much.

Lan zhan stood up so Qingheng-jun did. Suddenly Lan zhan dropped to the groud and grabbed onto his father leg tightly.

"What are doing? Wangji leave my leg!" said Qingheng-jun, trying to free himself but Lan zhan was clinging onto his leg quite stubbornly.

"Will leave Fuqin if Fuqin leave seclusion." said Lan zhan, for first time his tone sounded childish.

"W-What?" Qingheng-jun was confused as hell.

"Wei ying wanted you to get out of seclusion." Lan zhan was supposed to thought it but somehow it escaped from his mouth.

"Wei ying?" now who was that?

That was right, Lan zhan was there because Wei wuxian demanded his father-in-law presence in family and how could Lan zhan refuse his Wei ying or let him get upset. No matters what it was going to take, he will get his father out of seclusion. Only for Wei ying.

"It's a waste!" muttered Lan zhan as he realised only holding onto legs wasn't helping much so, he thought for moments and got another idea.

He left his father leg and Qingheng-jun sighed in relief but soon Lan zhan grabbed his arm and began to pull him out of the seclusion room.



"What are doing?"

"Wei ying asked for you!" said Lan zhan and continued to drag his father out. Qingheng-jun grabbed the door, Lan zhan was pulling his father while Qingheng-jun was holding onto the door like it was his life.

"Anything for Wei ying!" Lan zhan was determined to get him out of seclusion.

"I am not leaving seclusion." said Qingheng-jun sharing the same determination as Lan zhan.

"Wei ying want to meet you!" said Lan zhan casually.

"Who is Wei ying?" questioned Qingheng-jun although he was still holding onto his dear life.

"Wei ying my love!" replied Lan zhan happily.


"Mn!" replied Lan zhan. To process the information Qingheng-jun let go of the door and since Lan zhan was pulling him, they both fell on the ground.


Both Qingheng-jun and Lan zhan got up and began to dust off their clothes. Qingheng-jun frowned and looked at Lan zhan in anger.

"What's happening here?" questioned Lan qiren looking all confused, at the same time shocked.

Lan qiren came there to inform Qingheng-jun about Lan zhan marriage but now seeing both of them together he was confused. Lan zhan never visited his father.

"Xiongzhang, you are out of Seclusion!" said Lan qiren with hint of happiness without minding anything. Qingheng-jun glared at Lan zhan.

"Mn!" replied Qingheng-jun, Lan qiren and Lan zhan almost jumped in happiness.

"I need to talk with you Qiren." said Qingheng-jun as he walked towards hanshi and Lan qiren automatically followed him.

'Mission accomplished!' thought Lan zhan, his Wei ying will be happy after knowing that he did what his beloved asked for.


"Wait— who is getting married?" questioned Qingheng-jun, Lan Huang in shock.

"Yes you heard correctly, Wangji is getting married!" replied Lan qiren in disappointment.

"Wangji is 16 years old." stated Lan Haung with impossible emotions.

"Not only that but he— he—" Lan qiren couldn't tell his brother what his most priced cabbage did.

What was he supposed to say 'A guest came to study and Wangji slept with the shim? Or was it, They slept together on very first day of meeting each other? Or maybe, they shamelessly confessed all of this in front of whole class? Or maybe, they eloped infront of everyone? Or like, they just came back four days ago and now they are getting married? Or, he was threatened to get married his nephew to Wei wuxian?' Lan qiren wasn't brave enough to confront all of this.

"What the—" Lan Haung chocked on the tea he was drinking and Lan qiren realised he just said all of the things he was supposed to say.

Lan Haung heard all of that...

"Xiongzhang!" called Lan qiren in concern and Lan Haung gesture his hand to assure he was fine or maybe not completely.

"Wangji did all of that?" and then Lan Huang realised, Lan Wangji was his son afterall. He also did many thing similiar in his teenage years. Lan Wangji was just his upgraded version.

"It's not my teaching!" said Lan qiren. He raised his precious cabbage with such moral values but his precious cabbage turned out to be a rotten one out of nowhere. He still couldn't recover from shock properly.

"Wei wuxian? Where is he now?" questioned Lan Haung as he wanted to meet the person who changed his son 'overnight'... well he couldn't specifically say 'overnight s*x'.

"They are staying in Caiyi town. Two days after is marriage ceremony. Xichen himself prepared all of that..." replied Lan qiren wondering how his other nephew turned out to be tooooo much supportive to his younger brother.

"Then, I will meet him on wedding day." said Lan Huang.

Lan Huang was quite shocked when he found out that his younger son was the one getting married. He didn't any problem with it aside from the fact they were too young for marriage responsibilities. But now they had already slept together, marriage seemed more necessary than anything. Since Lan zhan already slept with Wei wuxian so ofcourse he had to take responsibility.

Well Lan qiren needed to understand... Jise ek bar Ishq ki hawa lagi. Na phir use kabhi dua lagi, na hi kabhi dawa lagi.

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