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"@y/n_itzme and @nidwonderr might definitely get together she just admitted it." I read out loud from Jijis phone.

I handed her back her phone.

"I swear to god if Nidal sees that." I said and sat back down on the bed.

"You're not mad?" Jiji said, confused.

"Nah, I know it's not true." I replied, smiling. Jiji returned the smile and then went back to her makeup.

"I think I'm going to go for a walk to clear my head." I said and got up. I slipped on my Uggs and ran out of the house.

I strolled down the road, the wind blowing gently on my face.

My phone started to ring, and I took it out of my pocket.

"Yeah?" I said.

"So this is your number!" A gruff voice said.

"What?" I asked, my heart staring to thump in my chest.

"Your number got leaked, and I tried calling to see if it was really you. Looks like I've hut the jackpot. Hey you, hotmess!" He said.

I hung up my hands, shaking. That was when loads of people started to call me, and people spammed my DM asking if the rumours were true and that it was really my number.

The Internet was crazy. I muted my phone and put it back in my pocket.

"Omg, are you Y/n? I'm like your biggest fan! Can I have a picture?" A girl said around my ages running up to me.

I just nodded and posed for the photo.

"Are you alright? You look stressed." She said.

"No, I'm fine thanks have a nice day!" I said waving.

She beamed and waved back.

I sprinted to the park and sat on a swing. Maybe I was just dreaming. Please be dreaming. When I finally decided to go back, it had been four hours.

I walked through the door, and everyone crowded around me.

"Y/n, did you see it?"

"Your actual number has 6 leaked!"

"Are you okay?"

"Shut up!" I roared. Everyone went silent.

"Yes, I know random people have been calling like crazy and my messages have blown up with fans and creeps. Someone asked for a foot pic!" I said, trying to stay calm.

"Who did it?" Jiji asked.

"No idea." I replied. Nidal kept quiet.

"Nidal? Do you know?" I asked, watching him go red.

"No. I have no idea." He muttered, picking at his nails. I placed my hand in his gently.

"Can I talk to you a sec. Alone." I said. He began to shake his head.

"Come on then." I said and dragged him to his room. I shut the door behind me and leant against it. My head started to spin, and I felt like I was turning over a 100mph.

"Woah Y/n sit down." Nidal said, grabbing me and picking me up so I wouldn't fall.

He lay me on the bed and sat next to me, holding my hand.

"I know what you wanted to talk to me about, and no, it wasn't me, but I know who did it." He said.

All I could do was nod.

"It was Chelsea. I'm embarrassed to say that I feel like it was my fault if I hadn't of made a scene at the party she wouldn't feel the need to take revenge on you as she probably feels like we are together but I have no idea why she thinks that." He said.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now