Part 6 | Sophia.

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It's been a few hours since we left the CDC, or what's left of the CDC. Dale & Andrea say that Jacqui decided to stay. I don't understand how someone can choose to stay in a place they know they're going to die in. I don't understand how someone can willingly die. Either way, I think Jacqui had a good reason. Momma says that she's in a better place now. Jacqui deserves to be in a good place, away from all these flesh-eating monsters. I never really knew Jacqui, but she seemed like a sweet person. I would've loved to get to know her better.

Shane's showing Momma and Andrea how to clean a gun, it looks difficult but I guess I don't have to worry too much about guns. not right now, anyway. Probably not ever. I don't think I'm going to make it to my 11th birthday, which makes me feel sad, but I also know that if I get attacked by a walker one of these days, it's going to hurt for a few seconds and then I'll be okay. I'll be with Amy, Jim, and Jacqui. They'll look after me, I think.

I'm playing with my teddy when I feel the RV slow to a stop, so I stand up and walk over to the front of the RV to have a look at what's going on. We're on the highway and we're blocked in.

Daryl rides up to the RV window on his motorbike. I've always liked motorbikes, they look and sound cool in my opinion. I just never had the balls to ride one.

"See a way through?" Dale asks Daryl, making Daryl nod and drive around the RV to take a look.

"Uh... Maybe we should just go back.
There's an interstate bypass..." Glenn suggests.

"We can't spare the fuel," Dale replies.

Dale's right, Daryl had to leave his car behind because of the lack of fuel, which is why he's using his motorbike now. I say him to suck fuel out of his car and put it in his bike, I don't know how it works, but it does because now Daryl's motorbike is running. I want to suggest doing that to all the other cars to get more fuel, but I decided not to. I'm only a kid, after all, I don't have much of an opinion in all this.

I look out the windows to try and see what's around us but all I see are empty cars and cars with dead people in them. Or at least what's left of the dead people. I hate seeing dead people, it makes me sad and It makes me feel sick. these people once had lived, they were once somebody's kid, grandparent, sibling, or parent. Nobody deserved to die like this, nobody.

I decide to look away from the cars because it makes me wanna puke, I hate to puke, so I slide down the wall and sit on the ground, holding my teddy close to my chest as I try not to think of the lives of these people once lived.

As we're driving, all of a sudden, I hear something burst. I look up and see the front of the car smoking and my eyes widen I stand to my feet and walk over to the windshield to take a look. it was the radiator hose, it broke, again. Everybody's cars slow to a stop before we all step out. I step out after Momma as she holds my hand and I hold my teddy in the other.

"I said it. Didn't I say it? A thousand times dead in the water." Dale says, stepping out of the RV and walking to the front of it.

"Problem Dale?" Shane asks.

"Oh, just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no hope of-" Dale says, looking around at the hundreds of cars around us. "Okay, that was dumb."

"Can't find a radiator hose here," Shane says.

"There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find," Daryl says as he looks through the open trunk of a car.

"Can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start," T-Dog says.

"Maybe some water," Carol says.

"Or food," Glenn says.

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