12. Distance.

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THE WEEKEND came and went, school resumed. 

But something was off.  The mood within the brick building had changed, it felt like the first day all over again. Cold.

In Literature, Rosalie didn't give her a second glance, and Alice's bright smile had turned sad.

History, Jasper didn't even acknowledge her existence. 

As much as she pretended that it didn't bother her, the knot in Trixie's stomach grew tighter and tighter as the day went on.  

By the time Spanish had rolled around, the brunette didn't even look at Emmett, she expected he'd be the same, act like they were strangers; act as if all the secret games of twenty questions didn't even happen. 

She was correct. 


Dahlia wasn't the only one to to notice the change in disposition in her quiet friend. At lunch the whole table cast concerned, side-ways glances over to the teen. Even Bella, who had taken to the habit of not acknowledging the Rivers girl. 

The brow of the Winters girl furrowed further when the Cullens passed their table; Alice hadn't given Trixie her usual friendly wave, and from her spot on the table, she couldn't see Jasper execute his new-found habit of glancing over at Trixie every once in a while. 

Something was going on.  It had to be, there's no way the Cullens would just cut her off, would they? From what she'd seen with her own eyes, added with the information that Trixie had shared with her friend, the Cullens and Trixie got on like a house on fire..

So why now are they acting like they barely know her? 


Trixie flunked the rest of school, despite there being only three hours left, she felt too claustrophobic and nauseated to stay there any longer.

She didn't want to go home just yet, Emma started work earlier in the week so she wouldn't be home; that thought alone sent another wave of nausea through her small stature, choking the feeling back, Trixie persevered with her hike. 

Entering the thicket, the Rivers girl was immediately comforted by the smell of pine. It had rained that morning so the air was dense with damp, and the soil beneath her navy converse shifted slightly with her weight, small amounts attached themselves onto the sides of her shoes as she walked. 

Her breaths deepened as she walked up a steep incline. 

One step, in front of the other.

What had happened for the Cullens to act distant? So suddenly too. 

Sure they could be having an off day, but, all of them on the same day. Really?

The brunette tried not to take it to heart, they'd be back to normal soon enough surely, maybe this is what you have to get used to being friends with  a large family - maybe one persons bad day can make them all have a bad day. Maybe that's what happens when you have six siblings so close in age. It's possible, it's so possible that Trixie decided that, that is what all this was. 

A bad day.

A bad day indeed ;) 

So, how was that? Short I know but I thought it was a nice filler/ build up chapter? 
For the readers that are around while this story is on-going, do you like the longer or shorter chapters? Or is the fluctuation between the two okay?. :) <3

- Grey

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