Meet Me.

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Stop. There I was, standing in front of my past self. I just stared at myself, I sighed as i remember my past days. It was nostalgic, and it brought a small smile on my face. My past self looked at me with confusion of why  I was staring at myself. I really missed the days, the days where I was innocent, dumb and active. I just missed it. I set those thoughts aside and started to talk.


"Hello... Who are you?"

"Well, this will sound crazy but I'm you in the future."

"What?? Really? That is pawesome! ("Pawsome" just means awesome.) Why are we here though?"

"... I just want you to do something, okay? Promise me that you will not mess up."

"Pinky promise!" She held out her tiny pinky at me. I smiled and held out my pinky to her.

"Okay, promise me that you will not stop loving them, never ignore them. Ever. Promise?" I said then connecting my pinky to hers. Then waited for her response.

"I promise!" She then connected her pinky with mine and it made a magical glowing effect, which means the promise is sealed and never broken.

"Never forget the promise, okay? Write it on a piece of paper and smush it in your brain. Well, not literally. But still, never forget this, okay?"

"... What? Why?"

"I don't know, just don't. Okay?"

And then my past self disappeared. I just hope she did it.

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