He's the one i want

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July 2th 2022                                                                                                                     Taylor's Point of view

I'm in California this week but all I have been doing today is laying in bed all day, I don't feel like getting up. I'm going to my friends wedding tonight. I really don't want to go but  Blake is begging me to go. I stare at the invitation feeling a mix of emotions swirling within me. Joe is invited as well and I don't want to deal with him right now. We broke up 6 months ago and he still has some kind of problem even tho he was the on to end our relationship. 

I finally decide to get up. With a sigh, I slip into a simple yet elegant dress."Look who's finally ready for tonight" Blake teases me. "Oh shut up!" I say jokingly while rolling my eyes at her. "No, but seriously you look amazing Tay." She adds after looking at me for a bit. "Thank you Blake."

.          .          .          .         .          .           .           .             .           .

The soft scent of roses fills the air as I step into the elegant ballroom but I quickly go find a place where I won't have to interact with people. At all. I decide to sit in the very corner of the room. I take a drink from the bartender and sit down. Gosh, this time I have to be more careful not to get drunk or #drunktaylor  will be viral again. Tree would literally kill me. As I sit in the quiet corner of the grand ballroom, the overwhelming sounds of laughter and music seems to bounce off the walls, creating a chaotic symphony that left me feeling more isolated than ever. 

Suddenly I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder, a soft interruption. Turning to face the source of the interruption, I find myself meet with the warm smile of a stranger, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "Seems like we're both in need of a moment's escape," he remark, his voice a soothing melody amidst the chaos of the festivities. Surprised by his appearance I can't help but return his sweet smile."I couldn't agree more" I answer with a chuckle. I look at him with a hint of curiosity. "I don't think you have any idea who I am. I'm Travis Kelce. Nice to meet you." he says with his calm voice. "Nice to meet you. I'm Taylor".  I say with a smile. "I know who you are. Not knowing the music industry would be crazy." His comment makes me laugh.

 I find his presence oddly comforting amidst the chaos around us. "Are you alright?" he asks out of nowhere, his voice gentle and concerned. "It's just kind of overwhelming. I haven't been to any kind of event like this in months." Sensing my need for quiet, he nods understandingly. "We can go outside and get some fresh air, if you'd like." he suggests. His offer is tempting, and I find myself nodding in agreement. "I'd like that," I say, rising from my seat and following him as he leads the way out of the bustling ballroom.

We find ourselves in a secluded garden, far removed from the party. A soft breeze rustles through the leaves of the surrounding trees, carrying with it the faint scent of roses and other flowers. The moon hangs low in the sky, casting a gentle glow over the calm scene.Travis and I settle onto a bench beneath the shade of a towering oak tree, our shoulders brushing as we sit side by side. There's a sense of ease between us, a quiet understanding. For a while, we simply sit in companionable silence, content to enjoy each other's presence as we gaze out at the moonlit garden.

I catch myself looking at him from time to time. God he's hot. I finally decide to break the silence. "So, tell me about yourself Trav." Shit. Did i really just gave him a nickname? We've known each other for like 20 minutes and all I know about him is his name. I smile awkwardly at him and he just returns it. "I like the nickname." he pauses for a moment than continues. "Well what do you want to know about me?" Everything Trav, everything. "Everything you feel like I should know about."

till the end (Tayvis fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now