Chapter One

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When I woke up, I treated it like any other normal day. I rolled out of bed and walked directly over to my closet to throw on a pair of black sweatpants, and an oversized green t-shirt. I slid on a pair of white sneakers, then headed to my bathroom to do my hair. I was about to throw my hair up in a bun when my sister Aviana barged into my bathroom shouting my name.

"What do you want Avi?" I asked.

"Don't Avi me! I need your mascara, mine's almost gone."

"So what, just use it! I'll buy you more after school." I groaned, causing her to push me slightly backward. She wasn't extremely strong, so the push wasn't enough to knock me over, but it was enough to make me stumble back a little.

"I said, I need your mascara. Now give it to me!" I handed her one of my favorite mascaras, then pointed for her to leave.

I never understood why Aviana was so harsh towards me, I don't recall ever doing anything bad to her. Ignoring my thoughts, I quickly tossed my dark brown hair up into a messy bun and brushed my teeth right after she left, then applied some chapstick to my heart shaped lips.

"Quinn, get up here now!" My mother shouted from somewhere on the floor above my bedroom..

My room was located on the third floor of the house, while everybody else was on the second floor. Growing up, my sister and I shared a room, but when I reached the age of eight I had requested my own room. Not only because Aviana was a snotty bitch, but also because I started to develop a temper and couldn't stand having to share my stuff. I specifically requested having the only bedroom on the third floor so that I was a distance away from everyone else.

Before leaving my room to answer my mothers call, I grabbed my track bag from the corner of the room and threw my backpack over my shoulder.

"Mom? You needed me?" I asked as I found her sitting in one of the many longue areas.

"Your sister told me about your little attitude this morning. You better watch yourself, I already have enough on my plate today and I don't want to have to deal with you as well. Understood?" She barked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I got it. I'm gonna leave for school now." I said, then stalked down the two flights of stairs to get to the second floor, then down the grand staircase to the first. I grabbed the keys to my truck from one of the house's staff as she offered them to me, then walked out the front door of the house.

My truck had already been brought to the front of the house, and parked in the circle drive. I quickly ran down the patio stairs and threw my bags into the backseat, then started the truck to drive away. There was quite a long driveway that led from my house to a hidden road. The house was located in the center of three hundred acres, surrounded by trees. This was all for a good reason. My father runs a bad business, bad enough to need some space. The property was enclosed by a twenty foot tall black steel fence, with gates on the North and South sides. Working at each of these gates were five armed men, as well as several other armed men who roamed the property. Let's just say my father did not want anybody that didn't belong getting in.

I approached the North side gate, which led out onto a random hidden road. The hidden road was practically a dirt path through the trees, it wasn't the easiest to find. That road met up directly with my best friend Ashton's neighborhood, which also mainly consisted of homes tucked back in trees. By the time I had reached the gate, the men that were working there this morning had it opened for me. I thanked them as I drove through, and pulled out onto the hidden road then onto Ashton's street.

I pulled into his driveway right as he and our three other friends were walking out his front door. Ashton, Jackson, James, Payton, and I had been friends for years. Ashton and I had been friends the longest, and the other three eventually showed up and we formed into an extremely close group. Once the four boys saw me, they all waved and ran to get into the truck. Jackson got there first, like usual, and claimed the passenger seat. The other three boys glared at him, then climbed into the back seat.

Book One: Not The OneWhere stories live. Discover now