v • I Just Wanna Go Home

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"All right, Murphy. Where to now?" Bellamy questioned, stopping to get directions, but Finn kept moving. He hadn't taken a moment to stop since they crossed the river.

"I say we lose these first, huh?" Murphy raised his hands, gesturing to his restraints.

"No." Bellamy was getting irritated. Without the help of the Grounder, they were putting their trust in Murphy and yet Bellamy had no faith in him. "Again."

"Hey, if we get attacked out here I have nothing to defend myself." Murphy, the roach he was, only wanted to save his own skin. If given a gun he'd still be seen running from the hypothetical attack.

"I don't care." Bellamy said.

Finn stormed over to the , drawing his knife. He cut Murphy's handcuffs and continued on their way. Murphy scoffed in relief. "Thank you."

Still in shock, Bellamy waited for the other two to catch up so he could talk to Finn. He looked over and the Grounder held her hands up, gesturing for her release, but was quickly denied when Bellamy walked away.

They followed Murphy's direction, even when he told them to all get down. "Everybody down! Now!" He pulled Bellamy down with him. They watched the Grounder try and make a run towards the camp and Bellamy grabbed her foot, pulling her down before she got far. She pulled at the ground, trying to break free, but with her hands bound she made little progress. Before she could scream Bellamy covered her mouth and pulled her back behind the log despite her struggles.

Once they were back in hiding, Bellamy loosened his arms around her, hoping she wouldn't run as he loosened his grip. "Are you done?" He questioned, trying to make sure she wouldn't risk their being there. She quickly pulled her head back and stayed quiet behind the log.

"This is it. Told you I'd find it." Murphy looked back at Bellamy. He seemed almost proud to finally be doing something honest.

Bellamy raised his gun, looking through the scope to find any sign of their friends or where they might keep their prisoners. "I see nothing but Grounders." Finn took the gun from Sterling and watched the camp through the scope to check. "Our people aren't here."

"Wait a minute. They've got stuff from our dropship." Finn stopped him.

Even Scotia made an attempt to look over the log. These were scavengers who lived off simple hunts and didn't have any qual with other clans.

"So maybe they know where our friends are." Bellamy suggested. The Grounder sat quietly next to him, watching them put pieces together like a puzzle.

"Yeah, or maybe they killed them already." Murphy piped up with his own suggestion.

"Son of a bitch." Finn spoke up before they could leave.

"What is it?"

"The guy with the one eye." Bellamy lifted his gun again, searching for the man he was referring to. "Around his neck." The man had a patch of scared skin that covered where his eye should be. Bellamy looked lower and searched his chest area for anything familiar.

"What am I looking at?"

"He's got Clarke's watch. It was her father's." Finn kept his eye trained on the one-eyed Grounder.

"She wouldn't give that up without a fight." Bellamy realized.

"Neither will we."

Scotia saw the gears turning in their heads, all of them running together to come up with a singular plan. Only moving her head, she peered over the log and found the man they were watching. Of course she knew him, but only by reputation.

"Okay. You're with me." Bellamy said to Finn. "You two stay here, out of sight. If this thing goes south, take out the other Grounders. But don't shoot the Grounders with the watch. Copy?" He told the two younger ones, Monroe and Sterling.

Scotia and Murphy both watched him, scanning them to draw up some sort of plan. He didn't trust Monroe and Sterling enough to make sure the Grounder didn't run, but he also didn't trust Murphy to not kill them.

"Copy." They both repeated. "What about Murphy." Monroe asked.

"Yeah, do I get a gun now?" He asked with a slight bit of optimism.

"Something like that." He turned back to Monroe and Sterling. "Keep an eye on her. Don't let her run." He made sure they understood before grabbing Murphy by the collar and pulling him away.

Scotia sat between the last two Sky People. She thought about every possible place to run to make an escape, but she had no way of out running both of them with her hands tied. It would be stupid if her to try running, especially into a Trikru camp.

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