Chapter 3 - Bad dream

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01:00 AM at N's quarters.

N found himself in a wierd place he didn't saw anybody. He tried to call out for someone. "V, are you here..." No answer. "H..." No response too. "J..." No answer aswell. He then saw a doors in front of him. He decided to go in there. N opened the doors. Doors were creaking which made N shiver down his spine. He stepped in. He saw a lot of dead bodies, he was scared now. He accidentally stepped onto one which made him yelp and jump at the same time. This was a horror to him. He couldn't look at it anymore. There were another doors and he opened it and what he saw, scared him almost to death. He saw all of his friends dead in parts in a large pile of oil. He wanted this to end, then he noticed something on the floor that said you're next which made him turn right from the dead bodies and he saw creature which grabbed him and started to tear him apart. N screamed as loud as he could while waking up and running to V's quarters while crying and screaming for V's name. "V!!!."

N got to V's quarters and started to bang on her doors while he was crying and sobbing as loud as he can. V heard him immediatley and opened her droos to be met with N who ranned up to her and hugged her tight as he can and snuggled his head into V's chest. This made V blush a bit but she brushed that off and she told him "Heyyyy N, first let me go off so i could sit somewhere okay?" She asked him nicely and he did so, she sat on the edge of her bed and streched her arms signaling him to snuggle up to her. He rushed to her and hopped onto edge of the bed on V's lap. He was facing other side while sitting on her lap while resting his head on her shoulder while crying and sobbing hardly and loudly. This made V shocked after she saw him like that. She started stroking his hair. She spoke to him with her tome softly as she could "Hey N, everything will be fine, I'm here." After some time he calmed down. "There, do you feel any better.' he nodded sheepishly out of an embarrassment. "What happened?" N was still sobbing a bit. "I was "sob" in a dream "sob" where all of you "sob" died..." She gasped after she heard that. "Then after I saw that, I saw on the "sob" floor text that said "sob' you're "sob" next, and then "sob" creature started to "sob" to rip me "sob" apart." After she heard that, she felt really bad for him. "Everything will be fine N, don't worry, it was just a bad dream." She said again with her soft tone which calmed him down even more. "It's okay N." She was still stroking his hair while he was resting his head on her shoulder. They stayed like that for some time until N was not scared so much anymore and until he regained his ability to fully speak without sobbing or any fear. "Are you okay now?" V said worryingly. He nodded with a small smile on his face. "Can i ask you something V?" N said. This made V actually start sweating and nervous at the same time. "S-Sure N." She replied now being more nervous than before. "I just wanted to ask if i can stay here." He was now scared cause he was sure that she would say no. V sighed in relief cause she thought it was something more bigger. "O-Of course N." She could see his happiness sparkling up in his eyes. He then just laid down on her bed and snuggled up to her which made her blush instantly. He noticed it so V immediatley turned her head. N wanted to ask her why is she blushing so much but he just brushed that out of his mind. After N falled asleep, V was just looking at him sleeping peacefuly. It made her happy that he is so close to her right now. "I love you N." She said that and immediatley got blushing again. Then she give him a kiss on N's forehead and noticed that N got a blush on his visor even if he was sleeping. "I love being with you so close." V said with soft tone even if he can't hear this. Then V just drifted into sleep.

Saturday morning 10:00 Am

N woke up and saw V still sleeping. He was looking at her, she was so calmed.
Then he heard her waking up so he immediatley closed his eyes to pretend he is sleeping. V saw him still slepping and V just snuggled up to him and continued to sleep. N falled asleep too.

Saturday afternoon 04:00 Pm

They both woke up to some noise comming from the doors. "V what the fuck, i didn't expect N to show up at the training facility because we have team training, but you!" J screamed while banging on the doors. "I expected more from you, V!" J was really mad now. N and V were just listening to what she was yelling and it scared them. They didn't hear her scream and her being mad that much. "I'm sorry, I waked up in 10 am and then falled back asleep again." V said with annoyed tone. "You better show up for 10 minutes in training facility and get that idiot with you too!" J was yelling now. To N, this was verry funny, he even started laughing a bit. "Okay, so this is the pla... are you really laughing right now?!" V yelled a bit. "Yeah, I'm sorry but this is funny to me." V rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Okay, so we go down there to training facility, okay?" V said. "If we don't show up, she will might kill us due to her angriness." V said again. "Okay, then let's go!" N said happily which made V smile a bit but he didn't notice it which made V really happy because she didn't want him to see her smiling. She didn't know why at the moment but it was like that.

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