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The sun shined brightly in the Sadida kingdom, war was over, peaceful times had arrived. The birds chiped as the forest bloomed in all its glory. The magnificent tree of life standing tall above any other tree around. It was a beautiful sight. Especially for Queen Amalia and her best friend, the Eliatrope king, Yugo. They diced that the Sadida kingdom and the rising Eliatrope kingdom shall be together. Even if no marriage held the two rulers together, a great friendship and mutual respect did.

Yugo would soon enough become a 'true' king. That's what people said in the end. Yugo was always a king, but now. His people had finally come back. He could finally assume his role as king and bring back his long lost culture to the world of twelve.

Future seemed bright, very promising, in fact. But what made Yugo happiest over anything else was having his family back. Adamai had returned to his side, as brothers, they would rule together. Chibi and Grougal were growing rapidly, Yugo looked forward for the day he'd see them grow up. Even so, that day was far off. And to top it all, he finally had some sort of gidence, his older sister Nora was there to help him. Together with her, they actively searched for ways to cure Efrim, and..they may have found a way.

(I haven't watched s4. Forgive me if there's any uncanny things in this fanfic, as always, tell me if I can improve anything. Thanks. <333)

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