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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...



It is a period of rebuilding and restoration. The NEW REPUBLIC, having triumphed over the remnants of the old EMPIRE, now seeks to establish peace across the galaxy.

In these hopeful times, LUKE SKYWALKER, the last of the Jedi, has founded the NEW JEDI ORDER. On the verdant world of Yavin 4, within the ancient Massassi temples, Luke trains the next generation of Jedi to maintain peace and justice.

Among his students is young BEN SOLO, son of Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo. Gifted with powerful Force sensitivity, Ben shows great promise, but carries the heavy burden of his family's complex legacy.

Unbeknownst to the galaxy, whispers stir in the shadows. Rumors of the lost GRAND ADMIRAL THRAWN and remnants of the Empire begin to surface, threatening the fragile peace that has been so hard-won.

As the New Republic works to strengthen its grip on the galaxy, unseen forces gather, preparing to challenge the freedom that many have fought and died for...

The verdant moon of Yavin 4, once the site of great battles and momentous victories, now whispers with a quieter kind of revolution—one of restoration and renewal. Amidst the towering Massassi trees, the ancient temples, scarred by time and war, are undergoing a transformation. Stone by stone, the ruins are being carefully restored, not to their original purpose of war, but as beacons of knowledge and peace.

In the heart of this world, the Great Temple, a massive ziggurat that once served as a Rebel base, is being reborn under the watchful guidance of Luke Skywalker. It is here, among corridors that echo with the whispers of history, that the New Jedi Order finds its home. Workers and droids move diligently, their efforts orchestrated to support the Jedi's vision. Vines that once claimed much of the stonework are trimmed and trained to grow in aesthetic harmony with the architecture. 

Luke Skywalker sat in the vast main hallway of the Great Temple, cross-legged and serene amidst the bustle of reconstruction. His eyes were closed, his breathing measured, a tranquil island in a sea of motion and noise. Workers passed by him, their tools and conversations a faint murmur compared to the profound silence that enveloped him.

Twenty-five years had passed since the Battle of Endor, the marks of time etched not only upon the ancient stones around him but upon his own features as well. Lines fanned out from the corners of his eyes, and his hair, once a sandy blond, now bore streaks of silver. Despite these signs of age, there remained an undeniable strength in his presence, a testament to his enduring resilience.

The temple, destined to become the High Temple of the New Jedi Order, was slowly filling with the last remaining Jedi texts and artifacts, many of which Luke had painstakingly recovered from forgotten corners of the galaxy. These sacred relics found their resting places among the restored alcoves and refurbished chambers, soon to be studied by a new generation of Jedi hopefuls.

As Luke meditated, his mind wandered through the Force, touching the gentle ebb and flow of life all around him. He could sense the natural world outside—the distant calls of the winged creatures that soared above the tree canopy, the steady growth of the roots beneath.

Luke heard a young man's voice call out to him, piercing the tranquil hum of the Force surrounding the temple. "Luke," the voice echoed in the grand hall.

Without opening his eyes, Luke smiled faintly and responded, "Hello, Ben."

As he spoke, Luke opened his eyes to see his fifteen-year-old nephew, Ben Solo, approaching him. The boy had the look of his mother, Leia, in his eyes but carried the easy swagger of his father, Han. Dark hair fell loosely around his face, framing his thoughtful expression—a stark contrast to the wild, carefree demeanor that his father had at that age.

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