Chapter 4: Let's make memories

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" Dad why do you hate the Wang's so much?..."

Mr Xiao was taken back he wasn't expecting that question at all. When he told Zhan never to interact with the Wang's he just agreed without asking why, but this time he was wondering why Zhan had to bring that up.

" I don't want to talk about that".

"But dad there must be a reason right ?".

" just know that they did something bad that hurt me and your mother".

Zhan was more confused, he really wanted to know the reason for their hatred but he knew well that his dad didn't want to talk about it.

His  father was looking uncomfortable with the conversation , so Zhan excused himself and went to his room. Ziyi was listening to the conversation, she knew that one day Zhan will need to know the truth. She also knew that Zanjin will be unwilling to tell the truth.

Zhan talked to Yibo at the phone and then slept but the thing was still bothering him. The next day he followed the same routine then he went to school.

The class was boring to all the students, so Zhan decided to message his friends on their group chart.

Zhan: hello guys , the class is boring you know .

Yibo: i know right.

Jiyang : wow , Yibo i thought you were listening attentively you don't look bored at all.

Xuan: you know my cousin is like that, you can't just tell what he is feeling.

Zhan : hey stop teasing my boyfriend.

Jiyang: huhu bunny in his protective mode on, trying to protect the lion huh?.

Xuan :  so guys i was thinking, since today is Friday how about we take you guys somewhere. Is it possible for you guys to go out at night?.

Yibo : no way Xuan you want us to take them there are you serious?

Jiyang :Take us where I'm already excited.

Xuan : Well it somewhere interesting, you will like it .

Zhan :   I love surprises I can't wait.

Yibo : well I guess I have no choice than to agree then. Be ready by 6pm today , let's meet at the city mall.

Jiyang : got that, I guess we have to tell uncle that you will be spending the weekend at my place then.

Zhan : right you know aunt and uncle  are not strict like my parents.

Yibo:  it's settled then this our last class anyways , let's prepare for tonight.


Zhan called his father and told him about his plans to spend the weekend at his uncles Mansion. His father didn't refuse because it wasn't something new to them. Zhan was happy but mostly he was excited for tonight.

At six o'clock Jiyang and Zhan were at the city Mall. Xuan and Yibo were there with their bikes.

" wow Yibo you have a bike that's cool".

" well your boyfriend is cool bunny you will soon find out , but first you and Jiyang need to wear this masks and incase someone recognize you there "

" oky Yibo".

They wore mask and then left on their boyfriend's bikes. Zhan was so happy it was his first time riding on a bike it a new feeling to him.

They reached the place where they were being taken and they were more surprised.

" Yibo this..."

" yes this is where illegal racing takes place ".

" oh my Xuan are sure we will not get in  trouble  for this?".

" ofcuourse not the organisers of this racing are big shots, they make sure nothing goes wrong".

" so are we  here to watch the race?".

" not only that Zhan you are here to watch your boyfriends racing".

" wow , I'm so excited".

" so I'm I , I guess we have cool boyfriends".

" ofcuourse you have ", Xuan and Yibo answered together.

They left Zhan and Yibo somewhere safe with the guards , then they got ready for racing. All the people there knew Yibo they called him the king of the pit and Xuan the devil. They were in the same team and they never lost a match, not even once.

As soon the race started people started cheering for the King and devil , same with Zhan and Xuan they were cheering for their boyfriends.

The race finally ended and Yibo and Xuan won the race. They received there money and left the place with their boyfriends.

" so guys let's go and celebrate what do you think?".

" where should we go ?, you know we can't just go somewhere just like that we  are supposed to be careful".

" don't worry we have a place where only we know".

" really? " .

" yes when Yibo and I started racing we bought a house somewhere near the city, we sometimes go there to relax".

" wow , you are cool guys . what are we waiting for let's go there".

" I think you should call aunt and uncle that we will not come tonight or else they are going to be searching for us if we don't show up ".

" i know let me call them".

Jiyang called his father and explained to his that they will sleep at their friends place, his father did not refuse since he was with Zhan. They were happy to spend some quality time with their boyfriends.

" guys let's go party tonight".

" yeah"!

They went to the secret house of Yibo and Xuan after buying some groceries to make dinner and ofcuourse beer to celebrate.

They went inside the house , Jiyang and Zhan prepared dinner for them . after having dinner they started drinking beer while listening to music, they were so happy listening to music and dancing to music.

They were making memories , memories that they would remember for a long time.

Isn't what youth is all about having fun. As they say time Wait's for no one , so make use of it while you can.

They got wasted that night  , had so much fun. Then when they feeling sleepy they went to their rooms, Zhan and Yibo shared a room same with Xuan and Jiang.

Zhan and Yibo kissed each other good night and slept , they were too wasted to do  anything. They didn't also want there first time to be when they are drunk and out of there senses.


Authors note: That's all for today guys see you in the next chapter.

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