Author's Note

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The author's note will be updated now and then, so refer to this chapter!


The cover is temporary (for now) until I've drawn something for it.

This book is a part of a multiverse series that I'll be writing this year (2024) although it isn't necessarily included in the "official" list of those books. You could call this book a "dark horse" if you would like.

As usual, there's no fixed update schedule for this story.

*Updated: Monday, May 6, 2024

This specific story is a tale that is very close and similar to a tale of my own in real life, so it means a lot to me that I'm sharing it with the world. I can't write so much about it because it pains me to share what belongs to me (possessive, I know, I'm sorry) but as much as I don't want to expose my personal life, I do want to share those that shine brighter than the rest.

*Updated: Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A new cover has been uploaded and might be the permanent cover for the book! I had so much fun creating and designing the cover with all my suppressed graphic design skills (lol) and I'm quite satisfied with how it turned out. The cover speaks a lot about what the story will be like and notes the small whale, which is a significant part of the story. I hope you all like it!

*Updated: Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Summary of Updates:

• Currently with a Temporary Cover from Pinterest

• This book is a "Dark Horse" member of a multiverse series

• No fixed update schedule for the book

• New cover

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