How Villains are Made

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I could see the memories in what I could only describe as painful bliss. The pain, the agony, the flash of the bullet that passed through the head of my husband... the memory I needed to write the story. The story that is needed to submit into the library on Hellifyno- the story to end all stories, but who was I doing this for? It sure as hell wasn't myself... was it? Did I purely just enjoy torturing myself, or was I doing this to steer Ruby off her track of turning Hellifyno into her reality? Of course I was... right?
    I didn't know anymore, and perhaps Adriana was right this entire time... I was dangerous, until she locked and burned the memories that led me to my darkness. The moments of my life that drug me through the fire, the moments that led up to the stains on my hands, to the darkness in my eyes.
    I should hate her for this. I should, but... I think of Kylie. She was once a hero just like me. Fought with the same purpose, destroyed all enemies with the same mindset... and then fell into darkness, killed the same as I have, destroyed those around her as I have. The only difference is between Kylie Arkadia and Catalina Rosenblad?
    A split in darkness to reality.
    Her darkness controls her, my darkness is controlled by me... and I'm not sure which one is worse. She can't control herself when she murders, when she kills. She couldn't control herself when she attacked the Red Sun Inn all those years, she couldn't control herself when we came face to face... but she was Kylie when I summoned her. When she showed me her past, her true face. She wasn't all darkness, she wasn't all evil.. She was a desperate woman who just wanted out.
    Is that my future?
    Is Ruby who I face in the mirror every morning? I couldn't be sure, or maybe I just didn't want to face the truth. The dimly lit living room of my sister's cabin made sure of that, clouding the truth as the memories became spotty, then clearer and clearer as I stepped backwards away from Adryan and Dean. My brows furrowing and my hand raising to my forehead.
    Flashes of bright white lights revealed the memory frame by frame. The man in the bloody military scrubs, drunk and angry. The gun that sat on the desk in front of him. His fingers tapping against the keyboard as he rewatched the betrayal over and over. Convincing himself of the inevitable. He lost it all when that man entered my life. His brows creased downwards and his anger twisted with the fingers that twisted around the gun.
    "Nat! Open the damn door!" I called out in the memory. My own voice seemed foreign to me. The banging and pounding against the door. Looking back in the memory it was like an out of body experience, as if it were a painful movie that I shouldn't have rented. Almost like a forbidden flame that would burn down my entire island if I allowed it to burn any longer, but... I was fascinated with the warmth.
    Suddenly the door hinges imploded on itself and the door fell into the office. I watched as I stepped onto the door to get into the room. Witnessing the drunkenness of Natik as he rose to his feet, the gun dragged itself across the surface of the desk, and then down to his side. "You... you betrayed me." He slurred, and my dumbass couldn't deny it.
    "I'm sorry..." I whispered in a desperate plea for him to turn the gun elsewhere. The barrel shaking in his hand, and his dark eyes pinned on me. "Please, Nat.. I thought you were dead.. You were gone for so long- Guardian didn't have your information. Nothing was running on you- you have to believe me." I begged, and even I knew I was only half meaning any of that. I hadn't checked Guardian. I hadn't stepped foot into that cabin in months, and.. I deserved this.. But he didn't.
    "Oh please save it." He would grovel before lifting the gun up in my direction in a shoving motion. "You could've radioed me. You could've checked with anyone on any base on Adoni or Hellifyno, but no.." he huffed a small breathy laugh, but it was far from amused. It was a depression, a desperate growl for hope he was dreaming... just for it to be another nightmare, but he knew it wasn't. I just stared, my lips parting as if I were to speak- and all I could say to myself was to beg, but I just stood there.
    "Nat. Shoot me. Please." I begged, "Shoot me, not you. You don't deserve this, I do." I wasn't lying at least, but... and he must have, right? I am immortal thanks to two propositions in my life.. Gilver, my father granting me immortality as a birthright, and Dusk who cursed me with immortality... Mainly because he had no clue I was immortal to begin with and he was afraid I'd off myself. Go figure... He was right, I would try.
    "You think it would do anything? Sting a bit and then what? Nothing.." He shook his head and the gun lifted at me again.. "I could pull this trigger right now, and it would do shit.." I watched in furrowed brows.
    That was when it happened. "You did this." it was all I heard before the gun went off.. The movement was quick and it shifted to his own head. The blood splattered behind him, and my own screams muffled in my eardrums. Watching this all over again, made me jump at the loud bang of the gun. My hands were shaking and raising up to my mouth and nose. Covering them in agony that felt brand new. My breathing stopped with his all over again. "Oh my god." I whispered as I watched myself fall to my knees within my wails of remorse and agony.
    I was pulled like a vortex of light out of the memory and flung back into reality. Fallen to the hardwood flooring of the cabin with Adryan holding my head against his leg, Dean hovering over me... Adriana and Alastair standing in the doorway of the cabin with infuriated gazes down at me.
    "What the hell did you do?" Adriana asked in a low, grovel.
    I caught my breath that was stuck in my throat before reaching up to grasp Adryan's arm that stabilized my head. My eyes tearing away from my sister and staring up at the ceiling. Tears welling up in my emerald eyes, falling without hesitation down my temples and into the sides of my fiery red hair. My breathing became ragged with every deep breath I tried to take.
    "I-I..." I paused, "I k-killed him." I confessed in a banter of anger, agony and remorse. I could feel Adryan look up from me to stare at Dean. Though he wasn't angry, hell he helped me force it out of Dean.
    Adriana on the other hand, I could feel the anger radiating from here. "You stupid son of a bitch!" She yelled across the room at Dean, his eyes falling from me to the floor.
    "You think I don't know? I didn't want to tell her anything, but they wouldn't take no for an answer!" he paused, pushing himself up to his feet and turning back to Adriana. "I told her how bad it was."
"Yet you told her anyway?" She grilled, a growl coming from her throat before shoving him out of the way and moving towards me. Bending down to take me by my cheeks and stared into my eyes. The darkness slowly seeped into the whites of my eyes, her own narrowing before letting go of my cheeks and looking up to Adryan. "Get her calm. Now." She warned in a low voice before standing back up and turning back to Dean. "We will have words." she nodded as she shoved a finger into his chest and then moved towards the hallway. Disappearing from sight.

Now I sit here within the library in Hellifyno... writing the story to the Shepherd in hopes to ruin Ruby's day, and in hopes of myself not turning into Ruby myself. Trapped within the darkness of my soul, and perhaps this is how villains are made... but who am I to stop fate?

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