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[M] Kartop

Karina decided to take her wife, Winter, out to go shopping since she had been caught up in her work lately. Of course she wanted to make her wife happy so she took her out to shop at the mall.

But it seems like Karina forgot how bratty and spoiled Winter was.

"Baby!" Winter whined as she tugged on Karina's suit jacket. "Please, can I get ice cream too?" Winter whined even more, earning a low sigh from her lover.

"How many times do I have to tell you, love." Karina reached to massage her headache with her free hand. "We came here to shop, not get ice cream." Karina repeated for what it felt like the thousandth time.

The smaller one couldn't help but pout, angrily looking up at Karina. "That's not fair! We're here at the mall and you said I can get anything I want! I want ice cream!" Winter stomped her foot, clearly upset with the never ending 'no'.

Karina was getting frustrated, looking at the bodyguards that held Winter's countless designer bags. With a sigh she looked back at Winter, biting her lip. Even if Winter was spoiled it was never enough for her.

Karina thought about it for a moment, looking at her sulky wife who supposedly badly wanted ice cream.

"Okay then." Karina spoke, slipping her hands into her pockets.

"You'll get ice cream but we're leaving after."

It only made sense. They had been at the mall for about 3 hours and Winter had bought countless amount of clothes and bags like she didn't already have a ton of those at home.

Clearly Winter wasn't happy with that either. "No!" She pouted, crossing her arms. This made Karina's eye twitch in confusion. "No?" She repeated, her patience was wearing thin. "Listen here you spoiled brat." Karina finally decided to do something, not like she wanted to but Winter's ego was getting too high.

Winter was pulled closer by the waist, shivering slightly as Karina whispered, "you're getting ice cream and then we're leaving. I don't want to hear any complaints. You've already earned yourself a well deserved hard fuck when we get home. So I suggest you fix your attitude now before I change my mind and we can go home right now." Karina's voice was so clear to Winter, making her go silent.

The taller one pulled away, "good girl." Karina noticed the silent blonde, smirking small before turning to her bodyguard who only had 7 bags in his hand. "Get her a vanilla ice cream."

"But I want chocolate—"

Karina shot a glare, making Winter to shut her mouth quickly.

Karina sighed before turning back to the bodyguard. "Chocolate ice cream. In a cone." Karina ordered him, watching him walking away with the bags in his hand. The bags wouldn't dare to touch the mall floor.

With a small sigh Karina turned back to her wife, pouting with her head down.

"What's wrong now?" Karina asked, noticing Winter didn't seemed pleased.

"I wanted sprinkles too.." She muttered sadly.

Karina rolled her eyes, "too late."


In the car at the back of the limbo Winter ate her ice cream happily, mixture with chocolate ice and sprinkles felt like heaven to her.

Karina sat next to her, hand on Winter's thigh as she did some business texts on her phone.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly, the ride was soft and calming, considering it was nighttime.

Until there was a hard bump, Winter gasping as she lost control of her ice cream cone, the ice cream dropping in the middle of the limbo floor.

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