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ISAMU, a boy with dark onyx eyes and black and tan hair in the end of his hair. Isamu was known for being a slight trouble maker, his mom would just sigh when picking him up from pre school to see her own son in bruises. The boy would only talk about how strong and how he was able to beat up some meanies who was bullying others. His mother admired it, saying how she was proud of him  for protecting people.

But really he wasn't .

There were no actual bullies. He was the bully, always torturing kids to give him their juice box, their toys, and even their accessories. Hell even the daycare workers was scared at how manipulative he was. Even if someone were to tell on him, no one would believe that person. Isamu was like a devil, but a mini one in disguise. But that changed when his mom introduced him to a 'beautiful' girl back in 3rd grade. A new kid that came into the city, at first Isamu we ready to make this girl's life hell...before 'she' started to cry about not wanting to be here. That made the nonchalant boy have a smile off his face, liking at how such a pathetic person the kid was. Isamu wanted to make the kid dependent on him, so the journey begin.

[M/N] was new, new to the city and school district. Ever since he was a child, he was mistaken for a girl for his girlish features. He would either tell people that he's a boy, but they wouldn't listen to him since he's a 'girl..' it made the poor boy sick, and even his parents stopped caring when he gets misgendered for a girl. The poor boy even got gifted girl clothes by relatives, the boy wasn't even sure who he could talk to about this at such a young age. So when it was 3rd grade, he oddly got treated in a mix of things.

Boys treated him harshly for wanting to be a 'girl', girls treated him even worse for assuming that he wanted to steal their boyfriends. It was like no one wanted to be his friend. But then a boy with dull eyes came towards him, holding a flower. [M/N] pouted, was this some kind of joke? "Take it." The boy said with a cold look. [M/N] immediately felt scared of the boy, which was good for the mixed haired boy. The [L/N] boy took the flower quickly, but then the boy grabbed his wrists tightly.

"Now we're friends. Get up." The boy said, pulling the kid from the reading corner. "W-wait! What's your name??" [M/N] asked the boy who seemed to go silent. [M/N] waited there awkwardly before the boy finally said his name.

"Isamu Takashi. Your future husband soon."

Immediately [M/N] was flustered, trying to explain that can't be true because of how they both are boys. But of course Isamu didn't listen and dragged the poor boy everywhere, and i mean everywhere. To the bathroom, cafeteria, playground, even going to [M/N]'s spot since he wouldn't stop crying about wanting to relax and read. The reading corner. Isamu had the boy in between his legs as [M/N] read the hungry grandma and comic books.

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