Chapter Six

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(Harper's Pov)

The next Morning:

I woke up the next morning, pouring with sweat. I had another nightmare. I took a deep breath, got out of bed, brushed my hair, washed my face, got dressed, and put on some makeup. Then I saw the pill jar I kept on my desk popped two in my mouth and dry swallowed them. My usual process I go through to try and make myself feel less like an emotionless, broken zombie.

Isaac already left for school, so it was just me and Talia.

Hey Harper, how'd you sleep last night?" Talia asked me as she scrambled eggs.

"Shitty, but I've slept worse," I replied.

"Did you have another nightmare?" She asked.

"No, I was just hot last night and I couldn't get comfortable," I replied. It was a lie, but telling a white lie was better than being pestered by her.

"Oh, okay. Want some eggs?" She asked me.

"Nah, I'm not hungry right now, Plus I'm gonna miss the bus if I don't leave right now. But thanks anyways." I replied.

"Well, okay. See you after school then." She said.

"See you, love you," I replied.

"Love you." She smiled warmly.

At school:

After the third period, Alex came over to me at my locker and asked, "Hey! How are you feeling?"

"Uh, what do you mean?" I asked, not quite sure why he was asking that.

"Oh, well last night you said you weren't feeling well, and with everything Rebecca said, I wanted to make sure you were okay." He replied, his unique navy blue eyes shining into mine sincerely.

"Oh, yeah I'm okay. I felt better once I got home." I smirked.

"That's good! Oh, but the main reason I came over here was to ask you something." He said.

"Shoot it," I smirked, taking a sip of my Gatorade.

His eyes looked so joyous and innocent like he didn't have a single worry about the world.

"Okay so, me, Sam, and my sister Aria are going pumpkin carving tomorrow. And I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna come, and we could finish our science project at my house when we get home."

"Sure, sounds fun." I smiled.

"Okay cool! I'm not sure what time we're gonna be leaving tomorrow though, so do you want me to text you tonight once I know the times?" He asked.

"Yep, that sounds good!" I grinned.

"Awesome! Well, I'm gonna head to study hall, I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled.

"Okay, sounds good. text me tonight!" I replied, and I gave him a thumbs up as I headed into class.

(Alex's Pov)

The next day:

"Hey!" I shouted, waving my Hand over to Harper, gripping my duffle bag in the other.

"Hi! I'm just on time!" She laughed.

"Yep, Sam and Aria are already in the back, I made them let you have shotgun since you're the guest," I smirked.

"Well, how courteous of you!" She laughed and hopped into the passenger seat.

The drive was about 30 minutes long after we made it out of the suburbs, and we finally made it to, "Alicia's Pumpkin Patch" A family-owned farm that was opened annually between mid-September and late November. A place that holds many core memories of my childhood.

We arrived at the farm And started walking to the patch. Me and Harper walked About 15 feet ahead of Sam and Aria, who were going about as slow as humanly possible.

"I'm surprised my parents even let Aria come without an 'adult', I guess they were feeling good today." I laughed.

"Why wouldn't they let her come with? Isn't she like fifteen?" Harper asked me.

"So one time when she was like thirteen My parents caught her making out with some guy in her room, and instead of having a healthy conversation with her about it, they decided it would be easier to just lock her up in her room. Like literally the only times she's allowed out of their sight is for her band practice at Sam's house, and I have to go with her," I replied.

"Damn, I feel bad for her. I can't imagine the strain it puts on all of your relationships." She said.

"Yeah, we aren't the picture-perfect family we might seem to be," I replied.

"I suppose no family is." She stated.

"Yeah," I replied.

(Harpers Pov)

We finally arrived at the patch and found four large pumpkins to carve, and then took them to the carving station. I felt myself starting to feel safe around Alex and his group, even though I'd only known them for a short while. Alex had a simple, calming aura about him. He always wore a simple outfit, like jeans and a T-shirt or sweatpants and a hoodie. His voice was always low, yet soft and relaxing. Even his movement was gentle and flowy like everything just came so naturally to him.

Sam was very different. He was a huge jokester with a big personality, He also wore jeans and T-shirts, but he also included things like linen shorts, skinny jeans, and muscle shirts. I think the seriousness made Sam nervous or something because whenever a conversation would become serious, He'd always find a way to crack a joke or make it funny. And the only thing I could say about Aria, I could tell Aria just wanted to feel wanted.

Alex took me back to my house later that night after He dropped Sam back at his house, and Aria back at theirs. I placed my carved pumpkin on the porch banister.

"Thanks for taking me to the pumpkin patch today, it was really fun," I said to him.

"Of course! I had a great time as well." He smiled.

"Well, I guess we should start working on the project, It's up in my room," I said to him.

"Yep, sounds good." He said, and I led the way upstairs to my room.

We worked on the project for about three hours and finally finished it. Then I noticed the time, It was nearing one in the morning and we were both tired, so he decided to head home and get some sleep since he had church the next day.

I lay in bed that night, thinking about how I felt. How Alex made me feel safe. Then I thought of how Peter made me feel. He also made me feel safe. Not in the same way, but what if the same would happen with Alex? What if it would be last summer all over again? And even if that wouldn't be the case, even if Alex was an angel, I still couldn't get close. If I got too close, I might tell him everything. Every nasty, bloody thing about last summer. And I couldn't risk that. What happened last summer can NEVER get out.

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