Chapter 3: Lost Child

139 5 4

Author note

So basically, this N and V's POV of what the last 4 hours from 2am to 6am. Last chapter, you guys got E's POV from that time stamp so now it's N and V's turn also thank you for the 32 reads.

Newtown, Hospital, 2am



I quickly got the blush my face without V noticing and we decide to explore the hospital more.

N: V, you take the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th floor, while I take the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor.

V: Sound good.

We split up I decide to go to explore the 1st floor. It was mostly check up rooms and there is a pharmercis to so yeah. I then go to the second floor and when get to the second floor by using the stairs, he heard footsteps, not V's footsteps but a worker drones footsteps. 

N: Huh, I thought it was just me and V.

I look around for the worker drone, with my claws out ready to kill it. I eventually find the worker drone in one of the patient rooms or whatever they're called but the I realize, it's a child.

N's mind: I can't just kill a child, it's so young.

I decide that it would be a good idea to try to have a conversation with him.

N: Hey little fella-

but I was cut off till he yelled.


the kid had a double barrel shotgun in his hands, so got to be careful not to get shot.

N: I w-won't hurt y-you, ok. Just put the gun down so we can talk about this.

???: You promise?

N: Promise.

???: Oh, my name's Brett by the way.

N: Hey Brett, I'm N, also how old are you.

Brett: 13

N's mind: Damn, he's young. I'm so going to take him home whether V and E like it or not. I know E will never kill me and V can't hurt me or else E will give V the most painful death as possible

N: You can come stay with me. I make my squamates don't kill you k.

Brett: Okay.

The two of us went to go look for V, for all I know she could be already at the top floor.

5th floor, 3:30am



honestly, this place actually boring. the only thing I found interesting are the operation rooms, but this hospital has mostly patient room and like ya.

V: Ugh this place sucks, but then again.

I got a smirk on my face knowing what to do next. I go down the stairwell until I bump into N with a worker drone.

V: Looks like we got dinner.

I then took out my blades to make a move but N stopped me.

N: Wow, you sure are heartless, you want to kill an THIRTEEN YEAR OLD.

Hearing N yell the last word made me jump and fall backwards.

V: Okay, chill I'm not heartless.

N: Then prove it.

Just then I took N's arm and dragged it down to the waiting room, leaving the kid in the and I said.

V: stay, will ya.

Brett: O-okay

Me and N made it to the waiting room and I push N into a chair but not sitting beside him, then I take his pants off revealing his metal rod.

V: Let's have some fun, shall we.

(btw I'm not going to explain this section cause I'm to lazy and my back hurt while writing this and 6:30 am and I want to keep the beginning pg., but I might move to the mature side and start going deep into the fun stuff)



This was the best night I ever had. My long time crush had sex with me, I found some lost kid I get to take care of and yeah. As we get our clothes on, I ask V something.

N: hey uh... V

V: Yeah N.

N: Why did have sex with me.

V: Because I was so bored and horny.

N: so were not a-

V: Nope.

N: Okay.

V: Also, where's the kid. 

Brett: I'm here.

V: AHH, when did you get here.

Brett: Just now.

V: Oh.

Brett: Anyways, can we go now.

N: Yeah, uh let's go. 

We get out of the hospital then we fly back to the pod with Brett on my shoulders. 

Brett's POV

We arrive at the spire of corpses' and I was disgusted when I saw this but I shrugged it off once we land N and V tell me to stay outside for the day.

N: Stay outside for the day, alright.

Brett: Alright.

They go in and I just stay outside the compound, but then I noticed a girl with purple hair leaving the compound. 

Brett's mind: Wow, she's pretty.

I suddenly exit my thoughts and realized how weird I was from thinking that. I shrug it off and fall asleep. 

Uzi's POV

I walk back to the colony with a surprised face.

Uzi's mind: I went to kill the Disassembly drones, instead I befriended them. I just need sleep. 

I reach the colony, go to my room and sleep. My dad did ask me where I went, but I just ignored him and went to bed.

824 words

Author note

Sorry, for being short, I couldn't think of anything interesting, so I just made this somewhat short chapter to basically sum what happened with N and V while E met Uzi. Also thank you guys for 68 reads.

(DISCONTINUED) Murder drones but J never existedWhere stories live. Discover now