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"Y/n hurry up!" Jiji squeeled as she dragged me blindfolded somewhere that wasn't in the house.

"We've been walking for twenty minutes, and you're telling me to hurry up! I'm a blindfolded girl." I said, and I tripped over something.

"We're almost there! It's just around this corner!" She said and let go of my hand.

"Jiji!" I yelled as I slammed into something hard.

"Omg, I'm so sorry. Y/n I forgot you couldn't see you can take of your blindfolded now!" She said, whipping off the material that covered my eyes.

The sun streamed down on me, and I covered my eyes.

"Agh, the light! Actually, I quite like that blindfolded give it." I said jokingly.

Jiji laughed, and I dropped my hands from my face.

I looked down at my feet. There were white rose petals and candles that weren't really candles. They had slightly melted by the heat of the sun, and their flames only had a meer flicker.

The roses and candles lead around a beautiful pink flowered Bush. I followed the path for a couple of minutes before my eyes saw what was happening.

Nidal stood there in shorts, and a hoodie holding a sign behind him was a huge bouquet of white roses.

My hands flew up to my mouth in shock. He stood there smiling at me.

"Stop, Nidal!" I said my eyes watering.

"I'm too young to get married!" I said, trying to laugh.

He let out a chuckle and walked over to me.

"So? Will you?" He asked. I nodded.

"Of course I will be your date to prom!" I said and jumped into his arms. He let go of the sign and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

The tears started spilling down my cheeks.

"I don't know why I'm crying." I sniffed laughing.

"Y/n, we can go dress shopping!" Jiji yelled, jumping up and down.

"No, it's fine. I probably have a dress somewhere." I said.

"No, I insist on it!" She said, grabbing my arm and dragging me away. I waved to Nidal and flashed him a quick smile before I turned the corner.

"What colour what colour what colour!" Jiji repeated as she skimmed through the Isles.

"Not black." I said.

"Yeah, that's emo!" Jiji said.

I snorted.

"Not yellow." Jiji said.

"Nah. Red?"




"What about blue." I said, pulling out a baby blue dress.

"Ew no." She scoffed.

"Alright, alright." I said, putting the dress back.

"Ah ha! Purple." Jiji said and pulled out a lavender purple dress.

"Okay, that is nice." I said, looking the dress up and down. It was a long dress that went to the floor, with thin straps and a nice v neck that wasn't too big at the front. The back was the best. It had strings at the back weaving in and out, crossing over each other.

"I'm trying it on!" I said, taking the dress gently and skipping to the changing rooms.

I pulled it on carefully and called Jiji in to help me with the back. Once it was on, I looked at myself in the mirror. Perfect.

"Yes, this dress is perfect!" I said.

"It's so preppy in here." Jiji said randomly. I laughed and took off the dress. We paid and walked back the dress folded neatly in a bag. 

"Oh Jiji, I forgot to ask when the prom is?" I questioned.

"Two days from seven to nine." She said.

I nodded, and we opened the front door and walked into the house.

Neshan and Nidal had gone out to look for a suit.

"Jiji, we could match Nidals tie with my dress. I am calling Neshan right now!" I said, grabbing my phone and fumbling with it.

Neshan answered, and I told him my idea. He agreed, and I hung up.

"Come on, let's go chill with the ducks." Jiji said and took my hand. We sat outside in our denim shorts and pink tank tops. Yes, we had matched.

Pebbles sat on my lap and basked in the sunlight, and Jiji tried to get Winston on her lap, but after he pooed on her, she gave up.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now