dare 90

26 3 1

Yep I'm still alive, I was just really busy with school stuff. But now I have vacation and I will try to write more. The request will remain closed until I caught up to everything, but when they open again I will let you all know. 

Me: Today you will be fighting Gigan from Godzilla final wars, the modified version. 

Megatron: Who even is that?

Me: You'll see soon enough. 

Me: *teleports them to an arena where Gigan is already waiting*

Knockout: What in the name of Primus is that?!

Me: You have to knock him out, no killing. I might need him later on. 

Ultra Magnus: Sounds good to me. 

Predaking: Let's go my brethren. 

Predaking, Skylynx and Darksteel: *fly up and shoot fire at Gigan* 

Gigan: *not effected*

Megatron: So fire doesn't work, time for swords then. 

Megatron flies up and lands on Gigan's head, he then uses his sword to damage the titan. 

Optimus: That seems to work, everyone help Megatron. 

Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Airachnid, Breakdown and Knockout went closer to the titan but were knocked back by his attack. 

Dreadwing, Starscream, Skyquake and Soundwave then flew up and landed on top of Gigan. 

Gigan trying to get them away from his head used his blades but accidentaly cut of his own head. 

Shockwave: Illogical. 

Me: *watching the show with Tarn while eating popcorn* Damnnn. 

Tarn: Kinda disapointing. 

Me: Oh well, can't have everything I guess. 

ask and dare the transformers [requests closed]Where stories live. Discover now