dare 91

23 2 1

Me: Ohh, this is gonna be fun. Everyone get in pairs of six!

*after they all got in pairs of six*

Me: Okay, so first pair we have. Megatron, Starscream, Dreadwing, Airachnid, Skyquake and Makeshift. 

Makeshift: So what are we gonna do?

Me: Russian roulette. 

Dreadwing: What is that?

Me: *gets out a cybertronian blaster and removes all shells except one* Basically, you pull the trigger and if you're lucky you get to live. If not you die. 

Makeshift: Hell no! I'm definitely gonna die. 

Me: Or I could let Tarn play with you, your choice. 

Makeshift: I'll take my chances. 

Me: Okay, let's start. Who wants to go first? 

Airachnid: Me, let's get this over with. 

Me: Okayy. *pulls the trigger and Airachnid gets shot in the head* 

Me: Damn, that was over quickly. 

Megatron: I guess we're lucky. 

Me: Yep, you're free to go. 

Me: Next are, Miko, Raf, Jack, June, Fowler and Laserbeak. 

June: Please let this go okay. 

Me: Who wants to go first?

Jack: I'll go first. 

Me: *pulls the trigger* 

*nothing happens*

Jack: I'm save!

Fowler: I'll go next then. 

Me: *pulls the trigger* 

*nothing happens

June: My turn then I guess. 

Me: *pulls the trigger* 

*the gun fires, killing June*

Me: Oh damn, I didn't expect that. This is fun. 

Miko: You monster!

Me: Alright, next six!

Raf: How could you?!

Me: Okay, next pair we have. Soundwave, Knockout, Breakdown, Shockwave, Optimus and Ultra Magnus. 

Jack: You monster!

Me: *glares at the humans* I can still kill you, you know.

Fowler: Nope, we're good. 

Me: That's what I thought, anyways. Who wants to go first?

Soundwave: *raises hand* 

Me: Okayy *pulls the trigger*

*nothing happens* 

Ultra Magnus: I'll go next. 

Me: *pulls the trigger* 

*the gun fires but the bullet reflects, instead hitting the wall* 

Me: Oh damn, I guess you're lucky Magnus. 

Me: Next six! Which are, Smokescreen, Wheeljack, Bumblebee, Arcee, Ratchet and Bulkhead. 

Smokescreen: I'm going first! 

Me: Suit yourself. *pulls the trigger* 

*nothing happens* 

Ratchet: I'm going next. 

Me: *pulls the trigger*

*nothing happens* 

Wheeljack: I'm going third then. 

Me: *pulls the trigger* 

*nothing happens again* 

Arcee: Oh well, I'm going then. 

Me: *pulls the trigger*

*the gun fires, killing Arcee* 

Jack: First my mom and now my partner!

Me: Hey, not my fault!

Me: Anyways, next are. Predaking, Skylynx, Darksteel, Hardshell, Cliffjumper and Tailgate. 

Cliffjumper: I'm going first. 

Me: Suit yourself *pulls the trigger*

*nothing happens*

Cliffjumper: I live!

Predaking: I will go next. 

Me: *pulls the trigger*

Bullet: *fires and bounces of Predaking, the bullet then hits Cliffjumper in the head. Killing him instantly* 

Me: Poor Cliffjumper. 

Me: Anyways, hope you enjoyed and have a nice day. 

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