•°☆1: Flashbacks☆°•

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"I'm sorry M.S. Mizuki but I'm afraid your daughter is part of the rare 15% of the population that will not develope a Quirk."

Kairi's pupils srunk as she could feel her eyes fill with tears, this was just like the situation one of the best heros had faced when he was young. Accept that she couldn't hope to recieve an incredible powe like one for all in the futer. What this it? The end of her dream to become a hero?

Kairi's mom hugged her tight. No, this wasn't fair. No, no, no!

Her breath became heavy and quick, it was hard to brethe at all.

"Kairi, calm down! Deep breaths, its ok, deep breaths." Her mother reassured her but she was too sad, her world was crumbling. Perhaps... Not all dreams come true...

(Later that day)

*I'm Quirkless...

No this isn't fair! Why should you have to have a quirk to become a hero? Why can't there be a quirkless hero?

Yeah, why *can't* there be a quirkless hero?

No, I can't give up just like that, this isn't the end...*

(Y/n) wiped her tears, she walked into the living room where her worried looking mom sat.

"M- mom, c- c- can I use your computer?" She couldn't even look her mother in the eyes so she just pinned her gaze to the floor.

"Um, I- sure I guess."

When the computer was open Kairi reached for the keyboard,
*Some heros don't rely on their quirk entierly, it's just like a part of their abilities, a cherry on top of the cake.
So I'll work hard, harder than anyone else.*

Kairi did as much research as she could, on combat, on strencth, on predicting moves, on speed, climbing, balance, everything that she could possibly train without a quirk.

And then,
she practiced.
day and night restlessly,
she kept that spark of hope still glowing in her big blue eyes.
she worked through blood, sweat and tears.
But she never gave up.
She was going to get into UA and become a hero...

And there she was, Kairi sat surrounded by a croud of people who already looked powerful, a room filled with amazing people with powerful quirks. *I can't let that bring me down. I worked too hard to give up now, I have to prove myself worthy to be called a hero, I have to hold my head high and show that the fact I'm quirkless doesn't make me weak.* She thought, and so she raised her head and put on a brave face, *I *will* become a hero.*

Short Rules Recap for the entry exam: Try to beat as many robotic villans as possible to score points from 0- 4. You are allowed to use your quirk however you like. You'll need at least 40 points to pass the exam and get in sucessfully.

Soon enough Kairi found herself in the middle of what looked like a fake city. *Alright, I guess I'll just look for a target, this shouldn't be too hard.* She walked calmly around some cornors, all sences alert, it wasn't long till she came across a 1 pointer.

"Target aquired." The robot announced. With that it charged at her with full speed.
*Really? That's such a bacic first atack. Are all of them like this?*
Kairi Grinned, she jumped out the way just in time and without second thought, she jumped onto its back, grabbing its head and twisting it right off the robot's body.
*Wow, easy.* Kairi threw its head aside and continued to move forward.
In a simular way she defeated a few other robots, she was suprised at how easy they where to defeat but it did make sence, after all you did need to get at *least* 40 points.

Kairi stopped for a moment to take a breath when suddenly the ground started to shake.
*Huh? Whats happening? Is it possible somebodies quirk is causing this?*
As she was still catching her breath a huge shadow blocked out a lot of the sunlight, Kairi looked up to see what was causing the earthquake; *Woah, this must be a 0 pointer but dammn, it's huge! Well no point beating it, guess I should try get as far as possible and hide. Eh, I'm already pretty far, no need to rush.*

Kairi started walking away in a steady pace. The 1 pointer looked over to something in front of her and it reached out, pushing down some sort of struture before turnuing back to the closer targets. Kairi rushed to see what had happened to see an injured girl who had been trapped under some of the structure,

"Oh my god, are you alright?" She asked rushing over to the girl.

"If I'm honest not really, I'm really glad you found me."

"Hold on, I'll help you." Kairi rushed over to the girl, she was trapped under some sort of metal sheet. She carefully lifted it off the girl to see a heavy metal rod over one of her legs which was badly bruised and bleeding.
"Owch, that looks painfull, you think you can move it?" She asked removing the rod gentally.

"I- I don't think so, it may be broken."

Kairi helped the girl get up and let her use her own body as walking support.
together they moved forward. The girl did slow her down but she was hurt and Kairi wouldn't leave her behind.

while they where still walking a loud beep echoed throughout the fake city,

"And with that time is up!"

Around 5 mins later the school nurse came and healed the girl Kairi was helping. The girl thanked her and also introduced herself as Haruka Nakamura.

(A few days later...)

"KAIRI! KAIRI! The results are here from UA!" Her mom called.
Kairi took the letter from her mom with a slight smile and took them to her room. She took a deep breath and opened the results. A small progector fell out, the video showed the principle of the school,
"Ah, hello there young Mizuki! I guess you are curious to see if you passed the exam, well I won't make this long, to put it shortly you scored 40 rescue points for saving Nakamura and 67 villian points. Congratulations, welcome to UA."

Extra part:

Kairi left her room to see her mom and dad waiting impatiantly. She gave them a smile, "I got in."

Her mom started tearing up and rushed over to hug her while her dad just smiled back.
"I'm so happy for you! We have to celebrate! I'll go to the store to buy some cake or something and we can have a mini party!" Her mom insisted.
"I'm proud of you Kairi." Said her father from the couch,
"I have to thank you both, mom, for supporting me all these years and dad for training me in combat ability." Kairi hugged both of her parents.

(The next day...)

"Alright I think that's all mom."
She looked up to see her mom tear up again, well to be honest it wasn't too suprising, she wasn't going to see her parents for a while. Even her dad was crying.
"Alright stop it you guys, I promise to text you every day and call offen and I'll see you next school break." Kairi reassured her parents.

they packed her stuff into the car and drove her to the school, after saying goodbye Kairi turned to face her dream, finally becoming a reality, she confidently walked inside of her new home for the next 3 years, UA Highschool.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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