Chapter 1

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The TV overlord scrambled to put on his coat as a certain moth stood in front of him, blocking his way of getting outside the building. Vox stopped his tries of going outside and crossed his arms with a grumble, knowing too well he would not be able to overpower the moth pimp's stubborness with his own. Valentino was glad for it. He was getting tired of his fuss anyway. "What's the rush, baby? I thought you didn't have any more meetings for today," said Valentino, sipping on his mouthpiece and blowing out the soft pinkish smoke that reminded Vox of a cotton candy. Except the taste was not as sweet.

Vox knew he did not have any way of escaping the number of questions awaiting him, so he gave in. "Fine. I'm going to see Alastor."

The moth processed the words that came out of his business partner's mouth, blurry eyes behind those pink heart-shaped glasses fixated on the wall behind them. Vox could see the exact moment Valentino finally processed the information he just received by the twitch of his antenna and those pupilless eyes fixating on him. "What does that hijo de puta want from yo-oh." His lips curled into a teasing grin, showing off his pink sharp teeth. "Don't tell me..."

Vox looked baffled for a moment, trying to get what he was implying at. Probably something sexual, knowing the pimp he is.

He paused, the anger slowly displaying on his screen.

Aaand he was right. Seeing how the pimp's smile only grew bigger, he knew he had caught on to what he meant by that remark. "No, Val, for fuck's sake! It's not like that!" he yelled, throwing his arms in the air.

Valentino crossed his arms and inhaled another mouthful of his smoke, the smoke leaving his lips with the chuckle he let out. "Oh, carinõ, I'm just messing with you," he purred. "Now tell me, what's that he wants from you?"

The outraged overlord took a deep breath and sighed, the tension between his muscles loosening. "He didn't tell me much details. I just know that we'll have a meeting between two overlords about... things he did not give details about and that I have to be there in five minutes, which I doubt I'll achieve if you continue to block my way!"

The moth pimp patted the top of his rectangle TV head-which Vox, the sulky demon he was, immediately tried to slap away-and stepped aside. "Go on, Voxxy. And good luck~" Just as Vox was walking out of the doorway, the moth pimp gripped the side of his screen where his chin would be and bent down to his height to press his lips against his warm screen.

As he broke the kiss, he blew the smoke into his business partner's face, which he immediately waved it away. "Yeah, yeah, okay, bye," he grumbled before taking his leave.

The TV overlord paced around the town, mostly using his cameras to teleport through his cameras placed all over the town. Once he arrived at his destination that they were supposed to meet at, he was met with the sound of silence and no one waiting for him. Had the deer ditched him because he was late for what? 10 minutes? It was not that long... It was all that moth's fault!

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