So I did wheel decider, and your Love Interest is Floyd Leech.
I'll show you how I did the Love Interest thing in the bio.
Onto the description.
Long ago, two family hated each other beca...
Cordelia: So if there are new characters, I'll do information on them for this book. But not all the time since it'll get boring real fast.
Cordelia: So after this chapter, you'll have to wait about three chapters or more for the next one.
Cordelia: I'll also be adding some character info which hasn't appeared in the last chapter since there are a lot.
Cordelia: Onto the info. .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.
Beniko Starter Pokémon .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.
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Name: Shiny Gyarados Typing: Water/Flying Gender: Female Nickname: Roja Species: Atrocious Pokémon Ability: Moxie Nature: Gentle Moves: Aqua Tail, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, and Outrage Owner: Beniko Futoshi How Beniko met Roja: Given to her as a egg Siblings: Leviathan (Benika Gyarados) Parents: Aquamarine (Mother Gyarados) & Ligero (Father Lanturn) Soulmate: Soleil the Heliolisk Egg Group: Dragon, Water 2 .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._. Benika Starter Pokémon .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.
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Name: Gyarados Typing: Water/Flying Gender: Male Nickname: Leviathan Species: Atrocious Pokémon Ability: Intimidate Nature: Serious Moves: Flamethrower, Ice Fang, Hydro Pump, and Scary Face Owner: Benika Futoshi How Benika met Leviathan: Given to her as a egg Siblings: Roja (Beniko Shiny Gyarados) Parents: Aquamarine (Mother Gyarados) & Ligero (Father Lanturn) Soulmate: Umi the Seaking Egg Group: Dragon, Water 2 .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._. Forrest Starter Pokémon .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.
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